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Texas speed walks away from the kitchen.

Oh no.

Oh dear God.

What did he do.

He just- he just flirted with California. The bastard stole his shirt and he flirted with him. And he said he could keep it!

Why was this happening, why did he do that, he wasn't one to intentionally flirt with his rivals.

He didn't even like California like that he was annoying and stubborn and stuck up and a fucking know it all.
I mean sure he found himself looking at him a bit more then he should, and California looks adorable in his clothes, and yeah maybe he's imagined what holding his hand might feel like, or if he kissed him, that chapstick he wears is really all it's cracked up to be but it's not like he likes him and-

Oh my god he likes California-

When did this happen??

Why was he not informed??

And he fuckin-

He freezes slightly in his walking, jumbling up his pace.

It had finally clicked that Florida was in the room when he flirted with California.

S h i t-

If Florida knows then Loui knows and if those two know, then it's not long before everyone else does.

His whirlwind of a thought spiral was introduced to a whole knew train of concerns.

Did he have to ask someone in the West for their blessings? He knew that the state personifications in the South still preffered that but like the West might not. They might think it's stupid or hate him, but if he doesn't and they do want him to then they'll frown upon that. Who would he even ask? It's not like California has a parental figure among them and it doesn't seem like any are really close to him, but maybe that was just a Western thing?

Hell did he even want to date Cali? Maybe?

Did Cali want to date him? Probably not fuck-

What if he asks for Blessings and the West hates him and they tell California and then Cali rejects him. That would be bad-

He walks by a state he vaugly recognizes as Tennessee, and gives him a small wave and a nod in greeting. Texas hoped he looked calm enough, and judging from Tennessee's face he was.

He had finally reached his room, entering quickly and locking it.
Finally, he was able to just let himself take a deep breath.

It was gonna be fine, if Cali didn't like him, that would suck but it's not the end of the world. Maybe he should just wait a while to figure this all out.
Yeah. That sounds good.
He shouldn't just jump into this.
He'll have time.

How Texas Lost His Shirt (And Gained A Boyfriend)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz