"Which means...you're on my territory...whoever you are" I raised the gun and he started to stammer. 

"Wait! I'll tell you whatever you want just p-please don't kill me!" Ah...the begs for mercy. My favorite part. 

I blinked for one second and I lowered my gun, he sighed in relief and I got within inches of him. 

"I don't need information I know exactly who you are" The French flag was tattooed on his arm, you would think it'd be more discreet. 

A sharp pain to my head makes me thud onto the floor and my gun thumps across the room, his arm now pressed against my throat making my face heat up with the lack of air. 

"Who would've thought that I'd be the one to kill, Roman Vaughn..." The fucker knew who I was all along and he had the audacity to chuckle while applying more pressure. I wrapped my hands around his neck almost crushing his windpipe but that didn't stop the weight on my neck.   

I was inches away from passing out when a loud blast rang in the room and the man dropped next to me. A hole in the side of his head. I gasped for air doubling over on the floor. 

But who...Ellowyn stood with my gun shaking in her hands and her finger on the trigger that was just pulled. She placed it down on the drawer and put a hand over her mouth rushing down the stairs where I heard the slamming of the front door. 

I got up avoiding the blood on the floor and followed the sound of retching on the side of the house. 

It pained me to see her vomiting in the grass with tears flowing down her cheeks, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She looked over at me and closed her eyes tightly. 

"How do you do this? I'm just now processing that you actually kill people...it seems so wrong but just seeing him choke you I just grabbed it and fired" She wrapped her arms around my neck and I held her just as tight. 

"I'm sorry" Was all I could say, It was all my fault. I should have never gotten her involved with this dangerous business. 

I just couldn't let her go I was in too deep.  


The sound of footsteps behind us made me place her behind me just to find Alex and Dario with panicked looks on their faces. 

"Jillian called us- said you went out of the car in a hurry and to call us if you were back in fifteen minutes. What happened?" 

He took a look at Ellowyn behind me who was still shaking like a leaf, holding onto the sleeve of my suit like a will to live. 

"There was a group of men looking for my mother inside" She whispered "I overheard them speaking in French, they said that they were ordered to take me and my mother at any cost"   

I tightened my grip on her when a tear flowed down her cheek, "What if they have her? a-and Brendan!" 

I grab her face between my hands, "Calm down, Tesoro" I wipe her tears and kiss her forehead.  (Sweetheart)  

Alex makes a gagging noise that brings us all back to real life, "So everyone in there is dead?" 

I glare at him, "Oh right...I'll just go-" He gives me a thumbs up and pats Dario on the back. They both walk into the house carefully.  

I look down at the beauty in my arms and find her eyes closed and her breathing even as I run my fingers through her hair. 

I carefully pick her up and take us all the way to the car, I place her in the backseat carefully before rounding the car and getting in on the other side. 

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