34. Happy ending

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It's the next day and Lillith just finished changing into the clothes the nurse left the previous day. She had got a green shirt, purple pants, white socks, purple shoes and a white hat

'Not my style, but it will do.'

Theres a knock on the door

"May we come in?"


The door opens and in walks the nurse and Aizawa

"Ready to go?"


Lilith walks to the nurse then looks over at Luke and Ellie

"Don't worry we'll take care of them"

"Thank you" Lillith nods her/their head

"We should go Lillith" Aizawa says heading to the door. Lillith catches up to him

"So what we're you going to tell me"

Aizawa becames flustered, but hides it "remember when you said in the woods that you...lo..."

"That I love you?"

"Yeah. So what I'm trying to say is..." they stop and look at each other "I...i love you too Lillith"

Lillith giggles then walk up to Aizawa and kisses his cheek. Aizawa grabs Lillith by the waist pulling her/them close and kisses her/them on the lips

'As much as I love to kiss him. His body pushed against me is actually hurting my scar'

Lillith pulls away then grabs her/their scar

"Did I hurt you?"

"Yeah...when you pulled me close...um your body pressed on my scar and that kinda hurt"


"It's ok"

They continue to walk. On the way Aizawa takes Lilliths hand and holds it the rest of the way out. When they walk out the hospital door all of class 1-A and some teachers were there. Nezu walkes up to Lillith

"Thank you for saving everyone Ms.Ural"

Everyone says 'thank you' after Nezu

"Your welcome. I still don't remember all the details though"

"That's ok we remember!" Izuku yells

Lillith smiles. Everyone then leaves and it's just Lillith and Aizawa

"So are...are we official Aizawa?"

"I don't know are we? And call me Shouta" He turns to Lillith

"I would think so that's why I'm asking you" She/they turn(s) to him 'Shouta Aizawa huh?'

"Yeah we are" he kisses her/them

"Papa!" A little girls voice calls out

They pull away from each other and the little girl who Lillith saw in the window yesterday came towards him and hugs his leg. Lillith giggles

"And who's this?"

"This is Eri"

"Your daughter?"

"Erm sure"

Mic comes running to them "ERI!"

Lillith and eri cover their ears "Hizashi don't yell!"

"Sorry...Hey Lilliths awake"

"Hey Mr.Yamada"

"You can call me Hizashi"

"Ok Hizashi"

"So you weren't watching her Hizashi?"

"I was, but she runs so fast and you know I'm not in shape Shouta"

"Eri please let go of my leg"

"Sorry papa" she lets go and backs up then looks up at Lillith "whoa your pretty"

Lillith smiles 'my heart I can't-' she bends down to Eri "Well thank you and you are adorable"

Eri giggles "thank you"

Lillith notices the almost dead flower in her hand "what's with the flower?"

"Oh It was for papa, but it's dead now"

"It's not dead. Almost, but not yet"

"I should throw it away"

"No you shouldn't"

"Why not?"

Lillith smiles then places her/their hand on the flower and it comes back to life

"Whoa! How did you do that?"

"Wanna see something cool?"


Lillith takes off her/their hat revealing her/their ears

Eri gasps "your a elf! That's so cool! May I touch your ears?"

'Elf ears are sensitive, but I can't- she's so cute'

"Sure" Eri touches her/their ears

"Your letting her touch them, but not me?"

"Your not adorable Shouta"

"That hurt"

"Ok Eri you can stop now it's time to go home"

"Aw ok..." Eri takes her hand away and Lillith puts her/their hat back on and stands back up

"By Eri"

"Bye uh.."

"Lillith. I'm Lillith"

"Nice to meet you Ms.Lillith!"

"Hizashi take her to my place and I'll walk Lillith home"

"You don't have to walk me Shouta"

"You just got out of the hospital. I just want to make sure your fine"

"Ok fine"

"So are you guys a thing?" Asks Mic


"Ok then. Come on Eri we better get going"

Eri walks to Yamada and they both leave. Aizawa walks Lillith home and kisses her/them bye

Lillith did get her/their vision back and soon her/their memories. Luke and Ellie eventually woke up. They made it and lived and just like Lillith their memories were foggy and their vision was blurry. Eventually they got their memories and vision back. Aizawa and Lillith had many dates. Class 1-A was the same kinda. The only difference was that Bakugo was calm now and even more calm now that Aizawa knows the calming spell thanks to Lillith. He even uses the spell on Hizashi to get him to stop yelling all the time because of his quirk. It was a crazy time for all, but in the end everyone was happy and new relationships were made

UA traitor? (Oc x Shouta Aizawa)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz