𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑴𝒆𝒕 𝑬𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓

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Danny- You guys met at the gym! You were lifting dumbbells by yourself. A cute guy about your age with dark hair and dark eyes came up to you and introduced himself as Danny. "Hey, Danny I'm y/n." you said. "Nice name. It's cute. Mind if I work-out with you?" he said, blushing and scratching his neck. "Sure!" you said, blushing just as much as him. Danny smiled as he lifted some weights. He was doing the super heavy ones are purpose to try to impress you. Later that day, you guys went out for some smoothies and exchanged phone numbers!

Donnie- You guys met at the corner store after school! Donnie was a year older than you and you both went to the same school, but you've never met before. You were there getting a sweet treat after a long day of school. You walked over to the freezer where they kept the ice cream sandwiches. Buuuttt, waiting near there was a super cute guy in a leather jacket! He had brown eyes and really fluffy light brown hair. He seemed tough, but you could tell he was a sweet guy. "Hey! I'm Donnie!" the boy said with a sweet smirk. You blushed, "Hello, I'm y/n..." Just like that, you both hit it off. Donnie walked you home that day and got you both slushies. You couldn't wait to go to school the next day!

Joey- You guys met at the amusement park! You and your sister were waiting in line for a ride for a roller coaster and you had a really cute guy standing behind you. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes you've ever seen, with an adorable nose, sweet and charming smile and curly brown hair. He was too cute to not say anything to him. But you're a very shy girl so you would be too scared to make the first move. It was your turn to get on the ride. Untillll the guy operating the ride stopped you. "She's too short, she can't ride without an adult." He said, referring to your sister. Now you had no one to ride with! Just then, you heard a voice say "I'll go on with her!" You turned around to see the super cute guy behind you. "Hey, I'm Joey." He said, holding his hand out, to help you in the cart. "Hi Joey, I'm y/n!" you said taking his hand and blushing. You and Joey held onto each-other the whole ride. After, you and Joey and your baby sister went on other rides together. You had a great time! Joey got your sister some pink cotton candy anddd gave you his number!

Jordan- You guys met in English class! You had a crush on Jordan for about 4 months, but didn't ever say a word to him. The only people who knew about your crush on him was your older sister and your best friend. They kept convincing you to talk to him, but you were always too nervous of him rejecting you. But secretly, he felt the same exact way!

Jon- You guys met at the mall! You were walking around the mall with your best friend to get some new clothes. You guys were trying to see if there were any cute boys. Just then, your best friend grabbed your arm and shook it. "Oh my Gawd, y/n! Look at that guy he's so cute and totally your type!" She squealed. "Wait-where?!" you exclaimed. You looked around to see who your friend could be talking about...and then you saw him. He had light brown hair, hazel eyes and was tall and skinny. He looked about 17...and he was looking at you! "Oh my Gawd he is cute!" You whispered. You absolutely had to go talk to him! He looked shy, so you decided to make the first move. You walked up to him and said "Hey I'm y/n!" He smiled, shook your hand and said "Hey y/n, I'm Jon. Jonathan Knight." In a super hard Boston accent. "Welll I was wondering if you wanted to get food with me and my friend." You said, while blushing. "Sure! Can my brothers come along?" he said. "Of course!" you said happily. Sooo you, Jon, your best friend and Jon's brothers, Jordan and Chris went to get mall food. It was really fun! At the end of the day, you 2 things from Jon. His number anddd a kiss on the cheek!

𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑲𝒊𝒅𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now