Mia: Lucky you, the kids had a late nap so I know damn well we're about to be awake for the longest

Amara: Should've woke they asses up, ain't no way I'm staying awake all night because of Legend

Mia: Don't tell me you be waking up my nephew from his naps, he's only 6 months old Amara

Amara: Well clearly, I gotta teach him young cause now you ain't about to get no sleep with your pregnant self

Mia: Mind yours bitch

(Ma Dukes: Watch your language, I'm not about to tell you again Mia)

Amara: Oooo tell her Ma, tryna teach my babies bad words

(Ma Dukes: Mhm you ain't no better, what time is the gender reveal tomorrow?)

Mia: Oh yeah that's why we had called Ma Dukes and mama wanted to know

Amara: I won't tell you everything but I know Mia told you that the colour theme is brown, tan and white. I've already got the main things set up but the caterers, the event planner and I are going to the venue in the morning to set up everything

Mia: I know you said it's starting at 1230, I guess I can meet Easton before that

Amara: Bitch, why you ain't tell me that y'all are linking up? I know you fucking lying, shit better tell me everything that happens

(Ma Rosie: Amara Imma kick you culo tomorrow)

Mia: Mhm mama, better beat her butt for all that cussing, don't worry bestie I'll tell you everything

Amara: Damn, Lege just woke up, I gotta go. Love you baby mother

Mia: Bye baby, kiss my god baby. I love you too

"Mia I get fruit snacks?" Kairi asks tugging the bottom of my chair pointing towards the pantry, "Wait mamas, we gotta eat first" I explain causing her to pout up towards me

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"Mia I get fruit snacks?" Kairi asks tugging the bottom of my chair pointing towards the pantry, "Wait mamas, we gotta eat first" I explain causing her to pout up towards me. Kairi might not be my biological daughter but I love her like she's mine; it's a different love than what I share with Yosohn but I treat them just the same.

She sometimes slips up when Yo calls me mama and I just let it slide because I know she means no harm and quite frankly I am a mother figure to her. Ma Dukes told me that Millie hasn't been spending that much time with her since everything went down with East which in my opinion is dumb cause Kai has nothing to do with the situation.

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Life's Changes (Book 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя