2) UA - Getting In

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(small warning for homophobes )

Looking out the window while traveling is always amazing. The lights, the buildings, the cars, was amazing. Views like that could never get old. Well... unless you've been in the car for an hour, with only a suitcase to talk to.

What makes it even worse? All Y/n could think about was her best friend, that was really likely that she would never see again. Tomura Shigaraki. The only person Y/n could ever rely on, other than herself. And now? She was basically committing suicide by accepting this mission, to go after All Might, of all people.

Like, how are you supposed to go about trying to kill the #1 hero?! Thoughts traveled through her head. Plans, and hope.


Arriving at the apartment, Y/n was once again met with disappointment. For the dirty job she was going to attempt she would expect something a little... more. Especially since it was entirely possible that this would be that last place she would ever live.

She and her suitcase were dropped off with a key and a map. Fortunately, she didn't have to go too far to get to UA. Entering the apartment, she organized it to at least look semi decent. While organizing, she realized she never read the letter from the Principal about dates, rules, etc. She decided to read allowed, it would at least help her feel like she isn't alone.

"Dear (likely) Future Student, Y/n L/n,

I hope you are well, just wanted to let you know a few things to start off. You are transferring later o into the year, normally we wouldn't accept new students this late, but we will make an exception this time, if you do good enough to get in, that is. We heard about you by recommendation, which is the only reason you are even getting this chance. Two days after getting this letter, I would like you to meet up with one of my teachers, a Pro Hero, at UA at noon, who can properly evaluate your skills.

If you do well enough, you will be accepted into one of our classes. We are proud to say UA is one of the hardest schools to get into. The person I will have assessing your quirk, fighting, strategy, and overall composure will not be aware of your quirk or any previous training. I want you to try your best. Now, onto the school rules and such. You must wear the uniform every day, attend every class, and it would be great if you could try and avoid fights with other students.

I will be in contact with you after your evaluation, good luck!

Sincerely, Principal Nezu."

Out of breath from reading Nezu's long letter aloud, Y/n decides to clean herself up. Changing her clothes, she throws on some comfortable jeans, a hoodie, and a beanie. The Apartment was ice cold, and there didn't seem to be any thermostats.

Checking the time, Y/n notices that it is 11:55. Then it hits her. Her evaluation is at noon. Quickly grabbing her weapons bag, she runs out the door to make it to UA in time. On the way, she thanks the world for allowing UA to not be as far away as she thought. In full sprint, Y/n makes it to the UA gates at 12:04. Waiting near the gates is who could have very well been a homeless person.

They wore all black, had black hair, and looked like they were absolutely dead inside. Under their arm was a sleeping bag, which only increased Y/n's suspicions. Y/n thought she had gone unnoticed until the person spoke.

"And you must be the one and only Miss L/n. I don't know how you manages to get an evaluation this far into the year, but lets just get this over with. You can call me Mr. Aizawa. Come."

 And then the person, no, Mr. Aizawa, gestured for you to follow him. After a few minutes, you got to a nice area for the teacher to evaluate you. The teacher gently set down his sleeping bag, like his most prized possession, and gestured for you to get ready to fight.

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