Chapter 8

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(Meanwhile, Baron Sweet Carrot, Junior, Matthew and their parents are in a white room in suits and glasses)

Baron Sweet Carrot: SwetCarrotvision, my latest and greatest invention.

Matthew Pepper: So, it's just television?

Baron Sweet Carrot: Uh, it's SwetCarrotvision. Observe.

(Some Ynta Antys brought a big chocolate bar and placed it in front of a camera. Baron Sweet Carrot and the others wore the glasses)

Baron Sweet Carrot: Lights, camera, SwetCarrotvision! (Presses a button and the camera shines, when the camera stops the chocolate bar had disappeared)

Junior Asparagus: What happened to the chocolate?

Baron Sweet Carrot: It's flying over our heads in a zillion pieces and it gets reassembled over there (Points to a small television). Of course, the chocolate gets smaller when we beam it through. Just like on regular TV.

Matthew Pepper: (Whispers to his mom) I bet old Feathers would pay a fortune to find out about this.

Mrs. Pepper: Shh.

Junior Asparagus: (Pulls the chocolate from the TV opens it and eats it) It's delicious.

Dad Asparagus: It's a miracle.

Baron Sweet Carrot: It's SwetCarrotvision.

Matthew Pepper: Can you send people and toons through this thing?

Baron Sweet Carrot: People and toons? Hmm... I suppose I could. Yes, yes, I'm sure I could. Could get messy, though.

Matthew Pepper: (Moves towards the camera) Check it out, Mom, I'm going to be the first vegetable to be sent by television.

Mrs. Pepper: Matthew, get away from there!

Baron Sweet Carrot: Oh, I wouldn't do that.

Matthew Pepper: Lights, camera, action!

Mrs. Pepper: Sweetie, no!

(But it's too late, pressed the button and the camera shined and he disappeared)

Mrs. Pepper: Where is he?

Dad Asparagus: He's flying over our heads in a zillion pieces.

(Everyone looks on the TV and Matthew appears on the TV)

Matthew Pepper: Look everybody, I'm on TV. Wait till everybody back home sees this.

Mrs. Pepper: (Pulls him out of the television) No one's gonna see anything.

Matthew Pepper: Hey, Mom, what are you doing? Stop!

Mrs. Pepper: (Puts him in her purse)

Baron Sweet Carrot: (Takes her purse and gives it to an Ynta Anty) Take the pepper boy down to the taffy pulling room. We should have him stretched back to normal in no time.

Mrs. Pepper: (Faints and two Ynta Antys grab her as they and a few others started singing)

Ynta Antys: 🎵What do you get from a glut of TV?

A pain in the neck and an IQ of three

Why don't you try simply reading a book?

Or could you just not bear to look?🎵

(Baron Sweet Carrot, Junior and his dad take off their suits)

Junior Asparagus: Mr. Sweet Carrot, what's gonna happen to them? Matthew? Varena? Alberto? Vienna?

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