Mr. Feathers: Ha! Now, I have you. (Tries to pull him)

(Meanwhile with Junior and his dad)

Dad Asparagus: This is amazing.

Junior Asparagus: I'm a jet plane.

Dad Asparagus: I'm a rocket ship!

Junior Asparagus: I'm- (Sees a fan on the ceiling) I'm getting too close to that fan! Hey, dad! I can't stop myself.

Dad Asparagus: Junior, look out! We'll get cut to ribbons!

Junior Asparagus: Help! Please help us!

(Back with the oc's, Mr. Feathers try to pull Thunder with the red licorice while Generous holds him back with her magic)

Mr. Feathers: Cough up the gobstopper.

Generous: Hang on, Thunder! Don't let go!

(Silver approaches Croaks who is now tired from all the kicks and puts a dinner gum on his mouth)

Sweetdrop: Dinner gum. Good idea, Silver.

Croaks: (Chews the gum) Mmm. Hey, that's not bad. (He becomes blue and round) Oh. There goes the diet.

(Silver pushes him and he rolls to Mr. Feathers)

Mr. Feathers: (Runs away) What? Get back, you fool!

Croaks: Sorry, coming through. (He crushes to Mr. Feathers)

Sweetdrop: Run, fellas! We can't let Mr. Feathers get that gobstopper.

(They ran away)

Croaks: (Rolls away) Oh, I'm really regretting some life choices here.

Mr. Feathers: (Gets up) You purple, bloated imbecile! (Puts a rubber from a popcorn machine around Croaks to juice him out)

(The oc's and Sweetdrops ran when they hear Junior's and his dad's screams for help. They get in and see what's happening)

Dad Asparagus: Be careful. Help!

Junior Asparagus: Help us!

Dad Asparagus: There's nothing to grab onto.

Sweetdrop: We gotta get them to burp before they're chopped up by that fan.

Dad Asparagus: (Almost reaches the fan) Oh, my goodness. Oh, Junior!

Junior Asparagus: Please help us!

Generous: (Flies to their direction)

Junior and dad: HELP!!!!

Junior Asparagus: Someone, please... Anyone, if you can hear us...

(Generous pats Junior's dad's back and he burps and starts going down)

Dad Asparagus: I'm going down.

Junior Asparagus: (Tries to avoid the fan) No!

Dad Asparagus: Burp, Charlie, you gotta burp.

(Generous pats Junior on the back making him burp and going down)

Junior: I'm going down, too.

(Junior and his dad land on the floor)

Dad Asparagus: (Sighs) That was a close one. Come on.

Junior Asparagus: (Leaves with his dad) We need to catch up with the others.

Generous: (Lands on the floor)

Sweetdrop: Come on, fellas, we gotta get that gobstopper to a safe place.

Mr. Feathers: (Appears in front of him with Croaks now back to his normal position) The safest place for that gobstopper is in my wing.

The greatest oc's: Junior and the candy factoryWhere stories live. Discover now