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   To you my Little Brother! I hope you like it with this gift cause trully I kindda confused what I wanna give you for your sweet 17th birthday, perhaps through this story can make you feel that you will not be ever replaced by anyone, cause you’re my Little Brother and everyone that become my siblings have their own special place in my heart.. so please, don’t be Afraid or be scared ya ? You Trust me don’t you ? Hey.. don’t you do sniff sniff cause I know you will do.. hihi.. I will always here and never going anywhere..

  You can see in your heart that there’s a baby Panjahh that Rewel calling his Beal to accompany him to sleep.

   We're Brothers.. ofc we're Arguing and sometimes we're Fighting until we doesn't want to talk to eachother.. but hey, that's siblings.. right ? After that.. we back to talk also teasing eachother again.. like there's nothing that happened..

   You’re my Bear.. my Ice Bear.. my Beal.. my Pinky Beary.. my Betung.. my Puffy.. my Captain.. my sleepy Ice Bear.. don’t be scared okay ? I will never leave you alone.. cause I already promise to you not to go.. because brother never leave eachother..  same like you to me.. so please.. don’t think like you will get replace ok ?

   I want to make this story cause I to tell you how cool also how amazing you are infront of me as my Little Brother..
Perhaps that’s all.. enjoy the story ya Ice Bear..

PS : “kok gak ada wish nya ?” kalau terbesit begitu, baca dulu yaa ceritanya nanti juga keliatan kok.. hihi.. selamat menikmati perjalanan dalam cerita..

FATHER, BROTHER & BESTFRIENDS (FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now