30. Toby the Wrestler

Start from the beginning

"But no one notices me," Toby complained as the three left the classroom.

"Sure they do. You're the loveable, if forgettable, computer expert," JT said to Toby.

"That's it," Toby said.

"So what if it is, Tobs, I notice you, JT notices you, all the really important people," Mickey said, looking down at her diagram. "Speaking of which wanna do my diagram for me,"

"No," Toby answered.

"Damn, I figured that's what you'd say, but oh well. Anyway, I have to go, I've got a meeting with the principal and Coach Armstrong," Mickey said, starting to walk away from to two boys towards the office, "but if you change your mind about the diagram thing, call me,"

"She notices me, long enough to ask me to do her homework," She heard Toby complain as she walked away.

"Yeah, well. No big deal. You could change your image," JT suggested, as Mickey turned the turner towards the office.

          "Okay so, I totally did not mean to skip gym class, in fact, I was in the library studying for your math test when I fell asleep. so if anything it's your fault," Mickey said to Coach Armstrong and Principal Raditch. She was currently sitting in Raditches office, after getting caught skipping class a few days prior. Armstrong laughed slightly as Raditch gave Mickey a disapproving look for blaming her teacher for her skipping class. "So, how long do I have detention for?" Mickey asked, sinking into her seat.

"None," Raditch answered.

"What?" Mickey questioned, jumping up in her seat.

"If," Armstrong started. "If you help me, but becoming the team manager for the boys wrestling team,"

"Deal," Mickey quickly answered, figuring anything was better than another boring detention.

         As Mickey sat on the bleachers holding a clipboard to take down the boys' weights, she started to think maybe detection would have been more fun. but, at least Sean was here. "Oh, man," A voice said, beside her.

Wait I know that voice, she thought turning to see Toby. "Toby, what are you doing here?" Mickey asked, walking over to the boy.

"I'm trying out for wrestling," Toby explained.

"You're trying out for wrestling, That's a good one. Really, what are you doing here?" Mickey laughed. Toby didn't laugh, he just looked at her. "Oh, you're serious,"

"Toby? You lost?" Sean asked, noticing Toby.

"No, uh, I'm here for wrestling," Toby explained, again. Sean looked over to Mickey, who just shrugged.

"Ok, guys. Listen up. The try-outs are next week and as you know, we only have room for one wrestler per weight class. So let's get started. Mickey take down everyone's weight," Coach Armstrong said.

"Right," Mickey said, grabbing her clipboard and moving over to stand next to the scale.

"Andrews," Coach said, and Andrews walked up and stepped onto the scale.

"51 kilos," Mickey read, writing it down next to his name.

"Good. Isaacs," Coach said, and Andrews and Toby switched places, toby stepping onto the scale.

"55," Mickey said, writing it down.

"Should Toby and I start?" Andrews asked.

"No, you guys are in different weight classes. Isaacs, you're in the 54 to 57.5-kilo class up against..." Coach said, looking over to Mickey for the answer.

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