Chapter 13- Calm before the storm

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Sabriel and Sniper got back to the safe room, where everybody were already waiting for them.

-Wow, nice catch!- Scout cheered, astonished with deer's size. 

-Well done guys, now we got food for at least few days.- Engie said, putting his arm on Sniper's shoulder. 

Meanwhile Medic smiled at Sabriel and hugged her- I'm glad jou're okay, Taube.

-Thank you, doc. It's good to be back in one peace- She smiled and returned the hug. 

-WHAT A FILTHY BLU WANKER!!- Aussie yelled in his mind and shot daggers at the German. He didn't want Sabriel to be close to the BLU's, especially when she was being hugged by them before his very eyes. That fact made the bushman even angrier.

When Engie and Soldier took the deer to gut it outside and cook it afterwards, Sabriel stopped them and called a meeting to tell the mercs about what she and the Sniper had seen.

-Guys- She started- We came across a few infected in the woods. I'm afraid that the horde might be closing in soon and they're probably on the way to where we are.

-DAMMIT! WHAT NOW?-Soldier yelled, concerned. - DO WE FIGHT FOR GREAT AMERICA? 

-Bushman answered- We'll have to move somewhere safer, mate.

 - Dear God- American whispered, defeated. He wanted to fight the zombies, especially after the last encounter with them. 

Sabriel agreed- Sniper is right. There might be few hundreds of them, way too many than we can handle. It would be best if we started packing up and heading out asap. We don't know when they'll appear in our sight. 

-Well, in that case, we gotta plan the escape route.- Engie stated. -Scout! Gimme the map you've drawn, son.

With that, everybody gathered around it and began analyzing the situation and all the possibilities. 

-Alright, let's see... - Engie began eyeing the map. We're right 'ere. Am sure, that the dead will be coming from this side- he pointed to the woods from the front side. -That means, that we gotta move the opposite way, towards this road right 'ere.- The Texan pointed the small road, 10 minutes from the safe room.

 -If we move that way, according to this map, we should get to the crossroad. There's another town to the left...- Engineer continiued.

- And it's probably crawling with the zombies- Scout cut in.

-Ah hate to say it, but ya might be right on this one, son. - The Texan agreed. Moving that way would be too much of a risk for us right now.

-Zhen ve have to turn right into zhose woods. I can see a small structure drawn here. - Medic noticed.

 -Scout? What is that?- Sabriel asked the Bostonian.

-I don't know. When I first saw it, it looked like a bunker or something. - The boy shrugged.

-Wait, so you're sayin' that ya don't even know what you've drawn and ya didn't even check it out, ye bloody mongrel?!- Sniper grumbled, annoyed with Scout.

-Guys, chill. The most important thing is, that there's something in there and since we can't risk moving into another town, we'll have to check that area out anyways- Sabriel scolded the men, who were about to fight. She found that scene childish and pathetic.

-Welp, it's settled then. Tomorrow mornin' we're movin' out to that building. - Engie concluded.

-QUESTION!- Soldier boomed.

- What is it, pardner?- The Texan asked him. 


- Hmmmm... Good question, Solly. To me it looks like a few hours of walking.- Sabriel replied. 

-Nah, Oi think it's a bit less than that- Sniper winked at the girl, making her blush slightly.

 -Okay y'all- Engie got everybody's attention- We gotta head to sleep now. In the mornin' we'll pack our stuff, eat somethin' and then move to our next shelter's location.- The group agreed on that part. 


Everyone were preparing for the night. Soldier and Scout were already good to drift off to sleep, Engie was setting his hardhat beside him. Medic and Sniper were minding their own business, while preparing some of their things to pack. 

Sabriel was anxious about what she saw. The girl wanted to feel safe. She wanted to live happily like she used to in the past. While female was nervously walking around the room, Medic noticed that and stopped her, to make sure she was okay, tho he could see and feel, that she wasn't.

 - I'm just scared, doctor. I'm scared of what's about to come. I have a very bad feeling about this. We should move now, not in the morning...- She quietly said. 

-Don't vorry, Schatz, ve von't let anyzhing bad happen to jou. I can promise jou zhat- Medic smiled and pulled Sabriel into a warm hug. Sniper instantly noticed the scene and shot up to approach the two, at the same time trying to contain his anger. 

-What do ya think ye'r doin', BLU wanker?- Sniper hissed at the German.

- Sabriel feels anxious und I'm comforting her, Dummkopf.- Medic replied, clearly annoyed by bushman's presence.

 He hated RED's, but had to team up with them to fight robots. The only person he didn't hate from the opposite team, was RED!Engineer and his RED counterpart. Blood was boiling within him, the doctor wanted to spend time with the girl he loved. 

-Ye, Oi can clearly see that. Sheila, ya don't have to be afraid, Oi'll keep an eye out for ya- Aussie reassured her, petting her head. Female felt a bit better, but still felt fear. She wasn't sure when the dead would attack. Sabriel was tough but she couldn't stay like that forever. 

-Thanks guys, I appreciate your support. I'll try to take some rest now.- The girl made a small smile and left the mercs.

Both Medic and Sniper looked at her lovingly, but as soon as she turned her back, they both shot daggers at each others. If looks could kill, both of them would be dead where they stand. 

-Look mate. Oi know damn well what's goin' on. - Aussie growled. Oi'm gonna warn ya now. Stay. Away. From. Her. She'll be moine, got it, wuss? If not, Oi'll make sure to load a bullet in that bloody forehead of yours. 

Medic hissed at him- Nein. I support her und care for her unlike jou do. If jou don't leave us alone, remember, zhat while ve're in zhis world, Jou don't have jour Medic to heal jou. Und vhen jou zhe least expect it, I'll inject jou vith "medicine" und take jour organs for my experiments after I tear jou apart!!! - He gritted his teeth. 

Sniper got taken aback, because the German was right.  In both teams noone knows, what their doctors puts in their syringes and since it was the enemy Medic, he could easily be poisoned and killed by this insane man. Aussie growled lowly and and left the frustrated doctor alone. 



Hey guys, yesterday I was really busy, so I'm sorry for not updating like i promised to do so every day. I want to make it up to you, so this chapter is super long, the next one will also be this long. I also want to tell ya, that I got the idea of making some pictures for this story. I don't know how I'll manage to do that but... Maybe after i finish this fanfic, I'll get to it one day... 
Also, another funny thing. I'm working on this book, still haven't finished it, and I already have ideas for the sequel. How funny is that? 
Well, I hope you're enjoying your evening and stay tuned! <3 Thank you for reading this story! You're the best guys!

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