"Helen, my dear" said Eugene with a side grin for me "There's no need for all this fuss"

"I'll fuss however much I want!" Answered his wife, who then grabbed with force her other son by the arm and pulled him towards her "David!"

She checked her eldest with worried eyes and, after caressing his cheek, she passed to her husband who hugged her huffing and gurgling about how everyone was alright and she shouldn't get agitated. Helen didn't seem to hear him. She moved from her husband to me.

"And Jocelyn" she reached over to hug me as well but then thought better of it. My arm was still entangled to Eugene's so he stayed behind with me as the other passed us to get inside. Helen resolved to grabbing my shoulder with one hand and resting the other on my face "Oh my dear girl! I'm so glad to finally meet you"

"Yes, this is all good and well" interrupted her husband, beginning to move us towards the door "But we're tired, and I think Jocelyn here needs some food"

"Of course, come in dear"

Inside, the enormous kitchen was a triumph of wood and ceramic against stucco walls. The table at the center was the biggest I had ever seen, but there was still much space to go around; everything seemed quiet and honest illuminated by the daylight entering from the huge windows.

Other than aunt Helen and the Vances who were with me at Hogwarts, there was a young woman caressing her large belly, an old man sitting in a wheelchair, and a witch in her sixties holding onto her shawl.
As soon as I got in, she stepped towards me and wrapped me tight in a hug, before stepping back to study me.
"Oh my wand, look at you!"

"Jocelyn that's your aunt Mary" Eugene identified her for me. I vaguely remembered that she was Oberon's cousin as well. She looked at me almost mesmerized.

"You are the photocopy-"

"Of her father" interrupted Eugene, who was sitting down tiredly.

"Her father! Oh, well I guess little Al was the most handsome of us, but no... look at her Eugene, she's the photocopy of Grandma Liv"

From the way they talked to one another I guessed they were siblings.
When everyone sat down, I got to also meet Uncle Samuel (the old wizard with a very sharp mind), and the pregnant woman who was my cousin Jeanie, daughter of another aunt. David's wife and his baby were sleeping after staying up all night, waiting for news. He said not to wake them up until later.
Aunt Mary was Siobhan, Elanor, and Alan's mother.

I couldn't really talk, I was so overwhelmed!
But finally, when Helen asked me if I liked tea, I nodded gratefully "I'd love some, thanks"

"Oh, aunt Helen sit down. I'll take care of it" Jeanie jumped up surprisingly lightly on her feet, considering her huge belly.

"Gilly will do it!"

"Please, Gilly... you must be very tired"

I smiled as the exchange went on. I was happy to see Gilly had been treated well, and was considered to be part of the family.

"Jocelyn?" Christopher distracted me from the exchange.

"Jo is fine"

"Jo then" he smiled holding out a hand "can I take a look at your wrist?"


"It was rushed" he grimaced passing a finger over the scar.

"We didn't have much time" I defended him.
It was easy to talk with Chris: no doubt thanks to his work, he had the ability to distract you while doing something painful.
My hands were indeed hurting.
After he removed my bindings, he confirmed I had numerous fractures of the fingers and hand bones.

Understanding (Neville Longbottom)Where stories live. Discover now