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The bright lights of the press cameras blinded Helena's vision as they flashed repeatedly, capturing every angle and pose she fed to them. Tonight was the premiere of her new film, Disney's Cinderella. It had been a couple of months since the big breakup so called 'the nightmare before Christmas' and after weeks of binge watching Dirty Dancing and using a mountains worth of Kleenex Mansize tissues to wipe her puffy eyes and tinted nose she decided to get her life back on track. So, here she was in Berlin, celebrating a film she knows is going to be great for six year olds all over the universe. Moving up and along the red carpet the actress goes where she's told, the apples of her cheeks aching with all the forced smiling, she moves along the enthusiastic interviewers, arms folding and brows knitting together in concentration as she answers their questions willingly, reflecting their enthusiasm.


After hours of chatting and putting her body through the physical crucifixion of high heels. Helena finds herself alone in hotel's bar, ankles rotating to somewhat soothe her aching feet, her fingers fiddle with the straw, eyes distant as nostalgia fills her, she wanted to be alone...well, that's what she had convinced herself anyway. With a heavy sigh she orders another drink.



He just needed to see her face again, see for himself how her soft porcelain skin soothed over her tiny form, hear her voice, as soft as velvet that managed to keep every conversation long and interesting. He closed his eyes and imagined what her lips would feel sliding smoothly along his own but the moment passed so quickly that it was hard to bottle up for safe keeping, he had to relieve the precious moments he had been missing for the past few weeks which had somehow slipped into months, time was slipping through his fingers and he needed his little squaw running mouth while she was still in his reach...


And this is what he had planned to do, without a second thought he had booked his hotel room for the night and took the first plane over to the foreign country and found himself in the back of his car, thumbs twiddling whilst the bunch of nerves in his core twist his stomach, his throat closing around him. After a lot of convincing Tim had managed to squirm Helenas location out of her mother, Elena. Although she would never admit it, he was aware that his mother in law was in favour for the two reuniting, after all, they are soulmates. A few traffic lights later and Tim was standing outside the hotels bar. His eyes scan the room and land on the dark haired beauty sitting alone on one of the bar stools, his heart skips a beat. Instinctively grasping his phone he calls the actress.


"Hello?" helena sighs into her phone, too worn to look at the callers ID


Tim's panic churned into a pang of relief that spreaded warmth through his body at the sound of her voice. "Helena" he sighs. "Oh my god Hel-I-I miss you" the words roll of his tongue before he can even stop them.


A few seconds of silence followed his confession. "Why didn't you call..." She whispers.


"I didn't know what to say..."


"Something- anything would of been nice, Tim." Her voice quivers.


"I'm sorry..." Tim says as he steps into the bar, slowly closing the space between them. His lips sneakily curl upwards as he gains space.


"Tim, I- I needed. No-" he hears a sniff "I need you here with me, I'm sat all alone in this stupid bar- I feel like Bridget Jones but lonelier, at least Bridgit could understand the people that surrounded her!"


"I'm here Helena"


"No, I mean here. I-" she silences, head dropping downwards.


Tim's heart drops at the sight his pace immediately quickens and the director squares his feet evenly behind her stall. "I'm here" he breaths.


With a flick heavenwards of her eyes, Helena spins, gasping loudly she stands, dark eyes drifting from the dark mane of curls down to the matching shade of suede shoes, stepping forward she pushes herself into the tips of her toes, enveloping Tim the warmth of her embrace. "You are here!" she mumbles into the dark shirt that her features are nuzzled into. With a delighted chuckle, Tim returns the warmth when his arms lock around her securely, his features snuggling into her hair, inhaling the scent that comforts him more than art, the scent that only Helena can provide. "Helena I'm sor-" he's cut off with a hush. "Please, Tim. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Ok?" she speaks calmly, taking her seat and patting the spare one besides her. "Now, how long have you been stalking me?" She grins, the laughter that escapes her parted lips causes her eyes to widen. It had been a long forgotten sound since everything happened.

"I would hardly call it stalking my dear" Tim slurred sarcastically, amazed at how easily they can both slip back into their old ways.

"Well, I wouldn't consider rehabilitation!" She can practically hear his eye roll through his laughter.


His hand slides along the sticky bar top, resting on top of hers. "Let me take you out..." He whispers.

"Tim I-"

"Helena, please..." her dark eyes bore into his own, insides melting at how they shine with hope with a reluctant nod she stands. Letting him lead her from the quiet bar and into the back of a local taxi.

Helena sits in the back of the dark cabbie smiling to herself, she sits up straighter and refrains her laughter with a bite of her bottom lip, how could she feels so victorious! she reminds herself repeatedly that this wasn't a date, just a friendly dinner. Aside to her excitement, Tim sits in silent, staring out of the window and nervously rubbing his hands together whilst he feels like that awkward teenage boy that he once was, the same thought stirred his mind causing him to shift. 'I'm in way over my head'.


"So" Helena spoke softly through the deafening silence. "Where are you taking me, Mr Burton?"


His thoughts are silenced. "Uh...you'll see! And no questions!" He answers. When his eyes lingered down the shape of her face, from her hair to her lips his heart quickens, with a raise of his brows Tim risks his eyes lowering down her dress, smirking slowly at how it seemed to refine her beautiful curves. His stomach drops as his eyes find helenas, she had caught him in the act. With a fluster of his hands and the reddening of his cheeks Tim turns, thankful for the darkness. With a raise of her brows and a dirty giggle Helena feels overwhelmed, eyes shining just like an excited child's would, feeling completely flattered and flustered all at once. Whilst the actress's eyes twinkled, her partners lowered to his own lap, trying to subside the burning that the blush brung to his cheeks. This really was going to be an interesting night.

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