Chapter 2

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(I don't ship this)
(Mangel POV)
I went to the kitchen and get a knife a big knife hhe he kitty get ready to be like me and me to be a beautiful fox and then foxy loves me....

(Kitty POV)
I went with chica to make cupcakes they were really good and we finshed all of it.i went to go to the hall to see mike I walked until I heard a noise coming maybe it was just my mind and then I saw MANGLE WITH THE KINFE I scream and then I got hit on the face everywhere I was dizzy.

(Mangle POV)
I make her like me I got all her stuff and left so foxy could not know that I did this,I went to be pre mangle hahah

(Kitty POV)
I woke up I saw me hideous,I just close my eyes and put my hands on my eyes how I'm ugly...

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