I pulled out a miniature sized version of Hermes' wings out of my pocket.

"These are Hermes' wings; they will fly you anywhere you wish to go."

When I handed him the wings, he gave me a big smile. He jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly.

"Thanks Alex, you're the best."

"I know," I said with a chuckle. "However, don't get caught. Remember what happened last time with Apollo's bow."

Pedro quickly nodded his head. "I won't, promise." He jumped out of my grasp and ran through the gardens.

Smiling to myself about his excitement, I teleported to Hope's location.

"You're going to -" I started but a hand slapped itself over my mouth interrupting my words.

I noticed my surroundings seeing the gym and Rafael standing across from the tribrid.

"Who's going to what?" Rafael asked after a beat.

"Uh," I stammered, noticing Hope's slight shake of her head. "Nothing."

"So, the emcee will then announce Lizzie and her escort," she quickly changed the subject.

"Her what?" Rafael gave us a confused look.

"Kind of like at a, a debutante ball," I explained.

"I grew up in foster care."

"Okay. Well, they had stairs, didn't they? So, you're gonna meet her halfway down," Hope sassed and I coughed, trying to disguise my laughter. Rafael reluctantly stepped down the steps after she pointed to them.

"How do you know all this stuff?"

"One of my aunts has been around for more than a thousand years. This kind of thing is her jam."

The tribrid took my hand in her own, assisting herself down the stairs. Rafael looked at me waiting for my answer.


"So, what, I just stand here?"

"Then you take her arm." Hope laid her arm flat then after a moment of the alpha staring she looped her hand around his elbow. "Sort of like you're putting yours on top. Yeah, like that. And then you descend together."

"And now you bow," I concluded as Hope did the gesture.

"Yeah, you're messing with me."

"You think this is bad? You know it's only gonna get worse, right? Lizzie Saltzman has been planning her sweet sixteen since she was five," Hope explained. "You probably should've thought twice before asking to be her date."

"Well, I didn't ask her. All I know is that I can't let her down now."


"Because I slept with her, Hope."

I chuckled but when Hope looked at me a booming laugh left my lips.

"You and Elizabeth." I couldn't my words out because of the laughter. "There's something wrong with you."

"Alexius, stop," the tribrid scolded me then looked at Rafael. "Waltz."

She placed her hand on the werewolf's shoulder and put his hand on her waist, connecting their empty hands. I grimaced, sensing Hera's disdain when they began to dance awkwardly.

"Stop," I interrupted them. "This is terrible. Rafael, watch and learn," I instructed him to step back then took his previous position. "I'm leading, Andrea," I told her and she rolled her eyes.

Best I Ever Had | Hope Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now