"I'll go get the ice pack for your bruise...stay laying down alright?" She said as Hyunjin quietly nodded, adjusting his bandages- somehow without looking in the mirror. Y/N returned with an ice pack and carefully put it on his bruise. Hyunjin took the ice pack from her grasp and held onto her wrist with his free hand. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you properly..." He looked away, ashamed. Y/N made him face her. "It's fine, it's over now. I need to take care of you now. The only thing that matters is that you tried." She smiled, comfortingly as Hyunjin pulled her down to his level as he sat up.

He examined the hand marks on Y/N's neck, his eyes showing how sad he was. "I can't believe I'm so weak...I won't let anybody touch you like that ever again." He sobbed and pulled Y/N into a hug. Y/N didn't want to fall over onto him and got up instead as Hyunjin wrapped his arms around her waist and cried by her stomach. "Don't cry..." She blinked away her tears and massaged his scalp. "How can I not cry when I almost witnessed you get-" "Shh!" Y/N put her finger to his lips shutting him up. "Let's not talk about it anymore, okay? It's over and done." She looked into his eyes. Hyunjin nodded again but then groaned out of pain holding onto his side. "What's wrong?" Y/N started trying to see where his pain was coming from. "Nothing, just a muscle catch." He lied. "It's obviously not a muscle catch if tears are filling your eyes!" Y/N yelled, pushing him down and lifting his torn shirt.

There was a deep, purple-bluish bruise forming by his rib cage.

Y/N gasped as Hyunjin pushed Y/N's hand away and put his shirt down. "We have to go to the hospital, NOW!" She demanded. "N-NO! I'm fine." Hyunjin argued, struggling to breathe from the pain. "Babe! Come on listen to me, you could've broken a rib!" Y/N sighed, frustrated. "I said I'm fine!" "NO YOU'RE NOT, COME ON!" Y/N yelled on top of Hyunjin's shaky voice. It went silent for a moment until Hyunjin carefully stood up and agreed to go to the hospital.

Fortunately, Hyunjin was immediately taken under care. He had to go under rib-fixation surgery as he did break a rib which made him stay at the hospital for 2 weeks. Y/N would always come every day after university to visit him so he could stay up-to-date with his work. Eventually, once he was discharged from the hospital, Y/N helped him around with almost everything. From helping him take a bath since he couldn't move around that much to help him lay down too. Just like that with Y/N's help, Hyunjin had healed in no time.

One night in Y/N's bedroom, the couple was getting ready to sleep after having a date that lasted the entire day. Y/N turned to Hyunjin and saw his eyes sparkling from the moonlight coming from her window. "Can't sleep?" She asked quietly. Hyunjin pulled Y/N closer to him and kissed her cheek. "No...I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for everything baby." He smiled back at her. "You really don't have to say-" He shut her mouth with a quick smooch. "Shh, I don't want to argue with you now, let's go to sleep." He pulled the duvet on top of them as Y/N snuggled closer to him.

"I love you Hwang Y/N." He whispered by her ear.

The next few months were the best for Y/N and Hyunjin. He kept his promise, keeping Y/N safe from bad people while she gave him all the affection in the world and received the same from her boyfriend. Over time, their relationship had become more balanced and filled with many happy memories like graduating and opening up their own perfume business.


"Baby, wake up! We have a day out planned for just us today!" Hyunjin whined, getting on top of his sleeping girlfriend. "Five more minutes..." Y/N turned to the side, hugging her pillow. "NO! It's almost afternoooooonnn. Come onnnn!" He frowned, taking the pillow away from Y/N. But she still didn't get up. "Baby, I've been looking forward to this day, come onnnnn!!!" He pouted. Y/N didn't reply. "Wake up Hwang Y/N!" He stood up and pulled the duvet off Y/N. She shivered since she was just wearing his t-shirt and shorts. "Oh come on! Can't we just stay home and do another movie marathon?!" She sat up trying to take the duvet back, her vision slightly fuzzy. "No! You need some sunlight, we've been staying at home for 3 days!" He walked away, far from Y/N's bed, and started folding the blanket neatly. "And what's wrong with that?!" She pouted, crossing her arms. "I want to travel Y/N! I want to go out with you!" He took her in his arms, lifting her. Y/N clung onto him like a koala. "...Fine, hmph." She sighed.

Y/N was about to fall asleep again until she felt cold water fall on her. Her eyes opened immediately, realizing Hyunjin had turned on the water for the shower. "HYUNJIN YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Y/N screamed and was about to hit him but he was fast enough to close the glass door to the shower and ran outside laughing. Y/N switched the water from hot to cold, shivering. "He's so mean..." She frowned, getting ready to freshen up.

She dried herself and saw clothes already hanging on the wall hanger. "He must've gone through my closet to get that. He loves that outfit." Y/N chuckled to herself as she dried her hair.

She came outside of the bathroom to see her room all cleaned up, heck even the bedsheets on her bed were changed. She smiled to herself and sprayed perfume on herself and threw on some shoes.

Y/N walked into the living room to see Hyunjin, already dressed up and sitting on the couch. He looked over to her and gasped dramatically. "Y-YOU LOOK BETTER THAN I DO! HOW COULD YOU, HWANG Y/N?!" He held his hand by his heart, pretending to have a heart attack. She rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. "You smell so nice." He smiled and inhaled her scent as he hugged her. "Quickly have breakfast, then we'll leave!" He ushered her to the table which already had a plate of warm pancakes on them. "Woahh, ever since we moved into the penthouse together, you've been so lovey-dovey! What more do you have in store Mr. Hwang~?" Y/N teased. "I have a lot of things that would surprise you in the future, Mrs. Hwang." He winked.

After having her breakfast, Hyunjin drove to the mall. Of course, it was another shopping spree date. Hyunjin LOVED going shopping with Y/N. Eventually, they walked into a jewelry store. Y/N was distracted by all the lovely lockets and necklaces so Hyunjin took his chance to talk to the lady at the register. "How can I help you today sir?" She smiled brightly. Hyunjin leaned in closer, whispering, "I'm here to pick up the customized ring I paid for last week." The lady nodded and went to the back to bring out a red box with a ring in it. "Whoever you're proposing to is extremely lucky." The lady chuckled, adjusting her glasses. "She's right there. Isn't she beautiful?" He smiled pointing to Y/N who was now looking at the bracelets. "She really is, your future children would be so handsome and beautiful!" The lady clapped as Hyunjin's cheeks started to redden up.

He smiled awkwardly and slid the box into the pocket of his jacket as Y/N made her way towards him. "Do you want to buy anything princess?" He asked, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Hmm...to be honest, not at the moment. I'm just hungry." Y/N gave a funny smile which made Hyunjin laugh. "Alright, let's go eat at the park. I'll make sure nobody bothers us this time." He giggled, wrapping his arm around Y/N's waist, and walked out of the store with her.

The lady smiled at them and gave Hyunjin a thumbs up as they both exited.


They both walked around for a bit, soon coming to a halt at the park's bridge. The sun had already started to set and the lights by the trees were lighting up one by one. Underneath the bridge, were beautiful swans and pink flowers in the water. They watched the swans swim around in silence. It was peaceful even though there were still families, other couples, and people around.

"Y/N, I have something to confess."

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