First Impressions

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Dick's POV


Searing, blinding, burning, intense pain. That is all I feel as I slip into consciousness. I don't immediately open my eyes, but groan in agony as all of the pain from my wound sinks in.

I don't remember what happened. One moment I'm walking down the street and the next think I know I'm on the ground. Opening my sapphire eyes, I look around and notice I'm in the hospital. I glance down at my chest where the pain is and see that it's bound in gauze.

Silently I try to sit up, but only let out a yelp of pain and fall on my back. There is no way in hell I'm moving at all. I wonder where Bruce and Alfred are, I actually want to see Bruce. Huh, go figure.

For what feels like hours i lay there staring at the ceiling when I hear the door knob turn. My eyes flick to the door as it opens, and inside steps a woman with a cart. She is absolutely beautiful. Being around what I would guess 5'8 she has long legs, gorgeous tan skin, long fiery red hair up in a bun, enchanting emerald eyes, and I can tell she is very curvaceous even under those scrubs.

I watch her as she moves the cart next to my bed and she looks at me, jumping a little. Guess she didn't know I was awake.

"X'hal" she mutters as the woman puts a hand to her rapidly rising and falling chest. I raise an eyebrow at her and she flushes from embarrassment.

"I am sorry Mr. Grayson, I did not know you were awake" she says once she catches her breath. Mr. Grayson? Since when am I Mr. Grayson? The woman clears her throat and says "My name is Kori Anders, I shall be your nurse for as long as you are with us Mr. Grayson."

I don't say anything but let out a groan as another wave of pain hits me.

"Oh" I hear the nurse, or Kori I guess, mutter as she tinkers around. She finds a bottle and twists off the top, pouring out three pills. "Here Mr. Grasyson take these, it will help with the pain" she says as she hands me a glass of water and the three pills.

I was about to ask how I was to take the pills lying down, but then the bed rose up until I was in more of a sitting position. Popping the pills in my mouth I take a gulp of water and swallow.

"Thank you" I say as I hand her the glass.

Giving a small smile, Kori says "It is time for breakfast."

I groan and shake my head "Not hungry."

"Come now Mr. Grayson you need to eat" she replies as she opens the lid to reveal a pile of pancakes.

"No" I whine, shaking my head.

Looking over at Kori, I can see that now she is the one raising her eyebrow at me. I simply shrug my shoulders saying "What?"

Kori shakes her head and swings the tray so it's over my lap. "Eat" she commands.

"Fine" I huff, grabbing the fork and poking my breakfast.

My eyes follow Kori as she walks around my bed and to the machines I'm hooked up to. Damn she's fine. Up close she is even more gorgeous than I originally thought. her makeup is tastefully done and compliments her perfectly. Normally I would do something about it, but I'm not really feeling up for it. After all I did just get shot, not really feeling like my normal flirty self.

As I pick at my pancakes and Kori checks my monitors, a thought crosses my mind. Kori seems around my age, how did she get the job of being my nurse? I'm no expert, but I think you would want someone with a little more experience to look after a celebrity.

After she finishes checking the equipment, Kori takes away my tray since I'm done eating. "I'll be right back Mr. Grayson" she says as she pushes the cart out of the room.

Calling nurse Anders Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat