Eat Eat Yum Yum

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It's been a few hours since their last escape attempt.

"Hyunjin! I just had the greatest idea!"

Hyunjin tried to sit up, his waist down was still in pain.


"What if you ate a little bit of my moms stomach! You know how it's indestructible right?!"

"That's crazy Y/N! What if I eat you?!"

"Eh who cares?! It's worth a shot!"

"Uhhh... fine."

They cut a little piece of Y/N's moms stomach off of itself. The size of a chicken nugget. Then Hyunjin put it in his mouth. It dissolved and then went throughout his body.

"Y/N, stab me and see what happens."

"Hyunjin..! I-I can't..." Y/N lowered her head.

"Then I will." Hyunjin took the knife from Y/N and stabbed himself in the arm. Nothing happened. It just bent with it and then bounced back up. His wounds had healed too. "Hey it works!"

"Yay!" Y/N hugged Hyunjin. He laughed and hugged her back. The reason they hugged so much was because a close friend of theirs had always said "Hugs make everything better" before he passed.

Hyunjin tried to punch the stomach of Y/N's mom but it was just like fighting fire with fire. Nothing happened. They rested for a little while, when a few papers in the acid caught Hyunjins eye. They were a little torn and wet of course but he managed to grab a few.

When he did, Y/N came closer to him to read it as well. Most were love letters to Y/N's mother. Most said something cringey. Like a pickup line or something. Some said:

Are you an artist? Cause you're good at drawing me in.

-Daddy J


Are you a map? Cause you're what I'm looking for.

-Daddy J


Are you French? Cause eifell for you.

-Daddy J

But they were all signed by the same person... Daddy J.
They stumbled upon one letter that was different from the rest. It read:

So you're probably wondering who I am huh... We met at McDonalds a while back. I am a teen. My shirt said Daddy J. So that's what you called me. You're so attractive. I'll stop with the letters too. But I do want to meet up Saturday.

Sincerely, Yang Jeongin

So Daddy J was Jeongin....


Maybe that's why Y/N's mom answered the door expecting Jeongin instead of Hyunjin.

They also eventually found divorce papers. Which made Y/N sob. So her dad wasn't on a business trip?

Not that they could live a normal life anyways anymore because her mom is now basically a fucking zombie.

Hyunjin tried to comfort her throughout these papers of distress. He also lost his feelings for Jeongin. Not that he could have them anymore since Jeongin was now burnt meat forever to be in Y/N's mom's stomach.

My Mom Ate Hyunjin?! (Y/N x Hyunjin)Where stories live. Discover now