Chapter 1

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"So, you guys remember Ellie. Well most of you anyway." said my sister Monica after yanking me into the coffee shop I haven't been in in months. 

"Of curse!" Said They all said. But there was one girl who I recognized trying to figure me out or something. Then it hit me. 

"Rachel?" I said, ignoring the others. "Rachie Green?" 

"Little Ellie Geller? I-I can't believe it! I haven't seen you in like 6 years!" Rachel said, jumping from her chair to give me a hug. One of the only goof tings I remembered from my childhood--hugs from Rachel Green. 

"You're so grown up! Oh my gosh you're stunning! Monica!" Rachel was clearly in awe of how different I look since I was 8 years old. She pulled me into another hug. 

After these past 2 days, I needed that. 

"So Ellie, how come you haven't stopped by in a while?" Chandler asked me. 

"School's hard and stuff. I also got a job so I could buy myself something nice. And food. The only nice things I have are things Monica and Dad and my step-mom gave me." I explained. "I don't have...well didn't have...much time to mess around." 

Joey, Chandler and Phoebe made 'ohh' noises and Ross and Monica stayed quiet. 

"Food?" Rachel asked. 


"Why food?" 

"Let's not talk about this. Anyway, do you guys want to go get pizza?" intervened Monica. 

"YES PIZZA!" I yelled. The group laughed, ad we headed out the door to get pizza. 


The whole time we were out, Rachel talked to me. She didn't stop for a second. She rambled about how cute of a little kid I was and how beautiful I was now. How I used to make her have tea parties with me instead of hanging out with Monica. A bunch of stories. Those were good memories. 


I walked into Monica's room. It was completely empty, just boxes, her dresser and bed. Nothing fun that had been there wasn't there now. She was leaving for college. And that means it's time for my best friend Rachel to leave too. 

"Monica, can I have this?" I asked her grabbing a little stuffed dog out of the open boxes. 

"Yes, Ellie. You can keep it." She smiled at me. 

"Yay!" I gave her a big hug. I didn't want her to leave. Dad and Judy's house won't be fun anymore. But I like it better than Mom's because I at least get to eat as much food ad I want. I don't have to save half my lunch for dinner.

"Monica! Rachel's here!" Dad yelled from downstairs. 

"Come on, El. Let's go say bye to Rachel." Monica grabbed my hand and nwe went downstairs. 

"Hi Rachie!" I said and ran to give her a hug. 

" Hey Ellie!" She looked sad like she was crying. 

"Are you going to college too? Or are you going to stay and play with me?" I asked her. 

"Aww, Ellie. I have to leave for college today too." Rachel smiled sadly. 

"Oh." I was sad. Really sad. My two favorite people in the whole world were leaving on the same day! "I really like your hat Rachie. It's pretty." It was a pink, yellow and blue tye dye baseball hat, not something she normally wears but I like it. 

"Here. You can keep it." She put it on my head. It fell right down because it was too bit, but then she fixed it.

"Thank you Rachie! You're the best!" I gave her another hug before I left to let her talk to Monica. 

"Alright Ellie. You are going to stay here with Ross until we get home tonight. Is that okay?" Dad asked me. 

"Fine. Why can't I go go Mom's again?" 

"She's...sick. Ross is going to take care of you. We'll be back tonight. Come say bye to Monica again." He said to me. 

"Bye Monica. I'm gonna miss you." I told her giving her a hug. 

"I'm going to miss you too. I'll call you every day and come home whenever I can." She told me. 


"LI love you." 

"Love you too." 

I stood sadly on the front porch and waved at them as they all drive away.  Time to hang out with boring Ross. 

**End Flashback**

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