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Ellie Geller is almost 15 years old. She is absolutely stunning--the face of Monica Geller, her older sister, but with brown hair but the same blazing blue eyes. She's the kind of kid that you look at her and think she's perfect. She has this look about her that looks perfect. As well as her athlete's body. But almost nothing is right for her. 

Ellie's got a lot on her plate. And most of it is tough to handle. Especially the events of the past 2 days. 

But she's okay now. She's safe in a place with the people she loved the most, and the ones who care about her the most. At least for the next 3 months. And that's what she needs--someone who cares. Just the slightest bit, because she's been neglected and thrown to the side multiple times in her life. Her rough, tough, almost nothing good about it life. 

And all she needed was someone who cared. And there's 6 of them sitting right in front of her. 

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