"Can I ask you something Opal?" Korra asked hesitantly, standing up and facing the airbender.

"Sure, anything." Opal moved into the room.

"How do you do it everyday? How do you love Bolin everyday, when he's soBolinall the time?

Opal look surprised. "Well, uh to tell you the truth, it's not that easy."

Great. I'm hopeless. Korra thought. She sighed.

Opal noticed. "But I still do. I do it because I love him. It's just something you can't explain. When you find that one special thing about someone you love, that's what makes you love them. Unconditionally. What's this about Korra?"

She wasn't sure.

"I guess, it's just thatAsami's so perfect. I don't know if I can be the same way for her." Korra said, as Opal contemplated her words.
"Well, from what Jinora and Ikki have told me, and what I've seen, you two are perfect for each other." Opal said.

Korra shook her head. She wasn't like Asami. Asami deserved someone perfect.

"Korra. You're psyching yourself out." Opal said, kindly bending down to look at Korra in the eyes.

Korra raised her head.

"Listen Korra. You're getting married." Opal shook her head. "Think about that. To Asami, you are perfect. You make her happy. I remember seeing her when I visited from time to time when you were gone. She was trying to be strong, she really was. But she was hurt, Korra. When you came back, she was happy. She was alive again."

"But, I hurt her." Korra said, sadly.

"Yes, you did." Opal began, her voice slowly rising in volume. "Now you can spend your life moping about the past, or you can get off your butt and marry that girl who loves you. Make her happy. Make her your queen. Make sure she never suffers ever again. I've done way too much for you to chicken out now!" By the time she was done, Opal Beifong was nearly shouting.

What am I doing? She's right! I need to see her right now!

"Thanks Topher..Opal!" Korra ran into the hall, with a confused Opal close behind.

"Korra? Where are you going? Don't go in there!" Opal's yells of protests echoed in the halls.

"Haha, thanks Opal, now I know which room it is!" Korra laughed as all her tension melted away, feeling like her old self again.

She ran up to the room where Asami was getting ready, and lifted her hand, as she prepared to knock.

There she was.


Leaning on the doorframe was Asami Sato. Her flowing hair was let loose, freely falling across her shoulders. Her eyebrows were slightly raised in a pose that said "really?" Her mouth was slightly curled as if she knew some dark secret that you didn't. Her dress was a radiant red that contrasted with the necklace Korra had given her greatly.

"Hello? You know you're not supposed to be here right?" Asami said snarkily, her eyebrows raised

"Um." Korra heard herself say. Oh no, this is just like last time. I'm speechless, what do I say? What can I say? How do you describe perfection? She's so pretty, I just want to rip that dress off her and

Asami's skeptical look changed to the familiar one of love. "I'm joking! Lighten up Mrs. Sato!" She pulled Korra into the room and shut the door.

"Are you okay Korra?" Asami said, noting her silence.

"I'm fine."

"Come on, I know something's bothering you. You can't ever hide it from me."

"Do I look fine to you?" Korra asked, worriedly.

"Yeah, Korra, you look amazing! Don't worry! It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I think you're perfect." Korra shivered at Asami's light touch as she gently moved her finger tips up and down Korra's shoulders, eventually coming to a stop at her hands which she tightly grasped.

Korra looked at Asami in the mirror. There was nothing but love in those eyes. Korra was instantly reassured. Why do I continue to doubt it? She thought.

Asami smiled reassuringly at Korra, and they stepped out of the room together where Opal was waiting, anxiously pacing the hall, her carefully planned out schedule evaporating in front of her.

Together, they walked to the hall where Tonraq, Korra's father was waiting, never taking their eyes off each other.

"I'll see you on the other side." Asami said, hugging Korra.

They had agreed before that Korra would be the first one to walk down the aisle. It might have been beautiful, but Korra had no idea. It was all a blur. Literally. Korra couldn't see a thing. She thought she could hear some people whispering amongst themselves and her heart tightened then loosened as she thought of Asami.

Somehow, she ended up on the stand, waiting for her beloved to come to her.

Korra's vision cleared up long enough for her to see. Asami was being escorted by Tonraq as well, as Hiroshi was still in prison. Jinora and Ikki were following Asami closely, tossing purple flowers around her, Ikki's mouth quivering as she tried to hold in her tears.

Then they were facing each other.

Asami smiled slightly, her eyes glowing. She reached out and grabbed Korra's hands as they waited for the officiant to arrive.

There's no place I'd rather be, Korra thought.

A familiar man with amber eyes and slicked hair emerged, dressed sharply in a suit.

He cleared his throat in an awkward way that seemed strangely familiar.

"Hey guys." He said quietly. "It's been a while, hasn't it? Things sure have changed." He looked sad, yet in his eyes were a quiet look of what seemed like pride.



To and Fromजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें