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Alyzah, Sarah, and John b try helping Sheriff Peterkin but Ward told them to leave so that's what they did and then once Shoupe got there he asked Ward what happened and they weren't there and Ward told Shoupe it was Alyzah that shot Sheriff Peterkin and when they where in the van with the rest of the pogues they saw flyers around town and the flyer said if you find this girl with a picture of Alyzah then call us and you will get a $100,000 for finding her.

They got a boat ready for Alyzah to leave the Outer Banks in and then JJ was talking to you before you leave.

JJ said "Alyzah you will be fine I promise and I love you!"

She said "Bye, I love you too"

**it's was a around 9:30 pm and she was in the boat looking back home and seeing the cops make a tent/hut to look for her and the lights where turning back on and there's a bad thunderstorm and the cops found her cause the tower light had turned on and found her so they where coming after her but she new they wouldn't go in the direction of the storm so she went that way." John b and the rest of the pogues got called in to wait there and when they got back and told everyone she didn't make it everyone was so mad at the cops saying like you chased her into the storm!**

**The next day***
You see a boat so she flashes a mirror to it and they come and get her.

The boat person asked "where were you headed darling?"

She answered "Can you just bring me to the next stop pls"

Sure he replied

*You're now in the Bahamas and you end up at a hotel and makes it seem like you have a reservation at the hotel and you stole a phone.

She is texting her friends and she says Hey and she sends apicture of herself .

They run out of class to the back and ask you wtf is this actually you? She asks is JJ there? He says yeah. She reply's with your guy's secret word "Cupcake" and they are all like YES SHE SURVIVED AND THEY ALL HUGGED. She also says Can you clear my name I wanna come home. They say yes.

**2 weeks later she ends up in Charleston

She's riding this weird bike thing and she ends up running into John b, Sarah, Kiara, Pope and JJ they hug and they end up home in Outer banks and she went to jail cause she got framed for murder.

**In court**
Court person: Alyzah Cameron is found guilty for murdering Sheriff Peterkin and is gonna get the death penalty.

The pogues: THATS NOT FAIR SHES 17!!!

**A month later she's let out of Jail and she is walking back to John b's house and she's on the dock and Rafe grabs her and then....

Alyzah Cameron's realityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang