The Gold and Parcel 9

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It's been a month and Alyzah and JJ got together but Kie was mad at her because she likes him so Alyzah and her got into a argument.

She yelled.

Everyone was like damn-

John B asked "Can we just work on finding the gold and no drama pls?"

"Not if she works on it with us" kie replied.

Everyone except your sister agrees that they are gonna pick Kie over you and Sarah is trying to say that's not fair!

"IT'S NOT FAIR!!" Sarah said angrily.

everyone said "Yes it is Kie was in the pogues longer then Y/n!"

She says "It's fine Sarah, I'm leaving!" *Trying not to cry*

When she got home she saw her bother Rafe hanging out with Topper.

She said "Hey Topper, hey Rafe."

They said "Hi Alyzah! Why where you crying? Did those dirty pogues do something to you?"

She says "No, Just allergies thanks for being concerned!"

Then she went to her room and started looking for the gold and she went into her dads office to grab a plat map and your dad caught you.

"Hey Alyzah what are you doing with a plat map?" He asked confused

"Oh, I just wanted to look at it and maybe could I get it picture framed and hung up on my wall?" She replied lying obviously.

"Whenever I tried to show you one you wouldn't want to, but I guess borrow and keep it safe." He said.

*She kisses it and say thanks so much your the best!

*It's been six hours and she is still studying it*

She runs down stairs and ask if she can go spend a night at her friends and he is gonna let her so she runs outside to the dock and gets on a boat that's going to Chapel Hill. When she arrives to Chapel Hill she goes to the Chapel Hills Archive and she found a letter that Denmark Tanny wrote to his son and she found out the gold is at Tanny hill.When she's going home she have to sneak on the boat again.When you got back to Outer banks she ran to John B's house.When she got there everyone was like oh great it's you again except JJ and Sarah said "Hey Alyzah!"

You said "I need to talk to you guys about something."

John B, Kie, and Pope said "We are kind of busy right now sorry Y/n."

Oh ok. You replied looking down and upset..

"I'll listen Alyzah!" JJ and Sarah said.

"Ok! I found something out about the gold! I went to Chapel Hill yesterday and I went to the Chapel Hill Archives and got a note from Denmark Tanny that was to his son and it was written in Gullah and he asked his son to harvest the wheat in parcel 9. Where's that at Tanny Hill!" She says in excitement.

John B turns around says "Wait you found the gold all by yourself?"And she says "Yep! That I did."

Everyone Hugs her and they say "WELL WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!?"

And they go to parcel 9 which was located at a axe murders house and they go into the basement/shed and  there was not water anywhere in tell Pope found a hollow spot which leads down to the well. Alyzah and Kiara where in a different area fighting.

"Is it cause I kissed JJ is that the problem?" She asks.

She slaps her and says "Skeeter" and she shows her the proof so she slaps her back and says "skeeter" she asks "where's your proof?" She shows her and you guys keep slapping each other.

***The next day***

John B, Pope, and Sarah come pick Kiara up and they tell her they need help fixing a boat that broke down and then they end up leaving her there and  Alyzah is stuck in a closet and she lets her out and they are like hell no!.

They end up willing to work together but not be friends.

**It was a couple weeks later**

They found the gold but now they are making a plan and Ward Cameron over hears Alyzah and Sarah talking about it and the weekend they where planning Ward asked if she wanted to go fishing and she didn't want to be rude so she said sure because he's her dad.

**On the boat**
Ward tried to kill her and she tried to call for help but Ward cut the cord so she used the emergency jet ski and she goes to John B's house and Ward stabbed himself and went to the police station and made up lie that his own daughter did that. So now he's trying to bring her to the Bahamas Sarah and John B see so they drive their van on the runway making them stop you run out and hug them you here the police coming and they tell you to run but you stayed anyways. Sheriff Peterkin said "Put your hands up" and Ward was like Alyzah listen to her and do it and they were like she's talk to you and she says your under arrest for murdering big John Alyzah and Sarah started to cry and feel bad for John b but then Rafe shoots her.......

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