Punch after punch, Ophelia's voice soon faded, standing off in the distance as shared friend Kelce had made his way over to the scene, stopping Ophelia from doing what he was about to do.

"Hey." Kelce tore Rafe away from the scene. "What?" Rafe snapped almost immediately. "Look at me." Kelce spoke lowly. "Calm down, Rafe." Kelce's eyes met with Ophelia, who could only look the other way.

"He fucking touched her." Rafe spat towards his friend, his eyes then roaming the area for Ophelia. "Look at me." Kelce's hands met with Rafe's cheek, who snapped out of his daze, eyes batting towards his blurred friend.

"I swear ten minutes ago I just saw your sister and John B alive."  Rafe stumbled in his place. "I swear to God, I'm just trying to relax and you tell me this bullshit." Rafe hissed towards his friend. "You want to see for yourself? Go sober up, man. Ophelia doesn't like a drunk."

Ophelia had never minded when Rafe was drunk - in fact, more often than not, she enjoyed it. Rafe's love language was touch. That, she always knew. Though the Cameron boy gained some sort of confidence when alcohol was involved, and seemed to know all the right places to dip his finger tips in.

She wasn't mad. At least, not then. She had sworn to let the Country Club incident subside until it wasn't even a thought in her mind. Now, though, she was fuming. Once again she found herself in between the Cut and Figure Eight, witnessing the interaction of cocaine between Barry and her boyfriend.

Rafe, fumbling with the bag, followed his trembling fingers up towards Ophelia, who hadn't said a word to him since they had left. "C'mere baby." He called out, to which Ophelia narrowed her eyes in on the boy, though obliged anyways.

She couldn't stay away, even if she had tried.

"I also need a piece." Ophelia braced herself as she found herself sitting on Rafe's lap, his arms sneaking around her waist and finding way back to the small table, lined with his drugs. "Oh shit." Barry chuckled. "Country Club a killer now."

Ophelia tensed, her eyes falling short of Rafe's slender fingers, leading up to his now bruised and split open knuckles. As she watched his fingers, effortlessly guiding through his task, they landed smack down on the table, even scaring Ophelia as she sunk into his chest.

"Don't mess with me." Rafe ordered. "Not right now." Barry only sunk back into his seat. "What do you need a piece for?" It was then Ophelia knew exactly why Rafe had wanted the gun. "John B is back. He isn't dead because I saw him for myself in the Bahamas. He fucking kidnapped Ophelia and now he's slugging beer in town."

In response to Rafe, Barry had kicked over the table, various items knocking off as Rafe's hand grabbed ahold of Ophelia's waist, momentarily, that was, until she tore her self off of the boy's lap, making way to the other side of the room.

Rafe watched her every move. The way she tensed on his lap, to the swift movement across the room. Her cheeks were flushed, her dark hair scattered across her shoulders as her eyes moved in between himself and Barry.

Barry's eyes followed Rafe, landing upon Ophelia who gave the two an unrecognizable look. "What about princess over here?" Barry spoke lightly, Rafe's eyes narrowing in at the boy who seemed to keep his stare on Ophelia.

"Can you give us a minute?"

Despite being Barry's home, he obliged, sensing the freshly cut wounds lining his knuckles surely would get worse if he hadn't.

As Barry stepped outside, Rafe inched towards Ophelia, a gun in one hand, the other met with a fistful of her hair. She gasped, quietly, Rafe bringing his lips down to hers.

She hadn't been sure what had came over him, or where in the conversation he had felt the need to slip his tongue into her mouth, though she couldn't help but deepen it further, attempting to snake her arms around his neck.

He had stopped her there, unwinding his hand tangled in her hair and trailing his fingers down her back, grabbing ahold of her wrists, keeping them in behind her back. "You know what I would love?" Ophelia didn't reply. "If you wipe that scared look off your pretty little face."

Ophelia inhaled sharply at his words. "There is nothing you will ever need to worry about again, Ophelia. I will kill anyone that get's in our way." Giving her wrists a tight squeeze, Ophelia's eyes fell down to the item in between them, the cold metal belonging to the gun ripping through the fabric of her shirt.

"I am going to kill John B if it's the last thing I ever do." Rafe mumbled. "Nobody, I mean nobody, can take you away from me." Her hand meeting the gun, Ophelia didn't feel nervous, but thrilled, a whole wave of electricity running through her.

She felt alive.

"Can I hold it?" Rafe's lips curled upwards, the apples of his cheeks flushing pink as he dipped his head forwards, ever so softly kissing Ophelia. "After all this, we're going home, and you're going to rid your self of that pathetic, worthless man's touch."

Ophelia nodded, one hand on the gun, the other, tugging at Rafe's collard shirt. "And after that?" Ophelia let out a breath she hadn't been aware she was holding in, shutting her eyes momentarily before peeling them open, Rafe's warm breath fanning against her face as his eyes grew dark.

"Daddy's going to fuck the living hell out of you."


Author's Note




On a side note, I am so obsessed with Rafe and I can't get enough that I (possibly putting OVERBOARD on hold) will be starting up a new Rafe AU!

I promise, it'll be worth it. Lot's of tension, jealously, sneaking around, ie. So stay tuned on my profile!



[If you would like me to promote your obx fics, I am more than happy to! just let me know!]

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