I Couldnt Think of Anything that Rhymes With 10 So Heres Chapter 10

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Minho leaves right after breakfast, leaving you to hang out with Newt and Chuck for the day.
"So what do you guys wanna do today?" Chuck asks looking between you and Newt.
"Sorry buddy, I've got work to do for Alby today. " Newt tells Chuck before he walks away from you two.
"So what do you wanna do?" Chuck asks specifically you now. You originally wanted the day to yourself, but as it turns out, you get to spend the day with Chuck.
"I don't know. Did you have anything in mind?" You say, secretly hoping that he'll get bored and leave you alone.
"Well I mean, you haven't really told me much about you and Minho" he wiggles his eyebrows.
You sigh. "There isn't anything to talk about between us!" You exclaim.
"Fine. Then what about Thomas? Have you talked to him at all recently?" You wince when he mentions Thomas. He was one of your closest friends and you had been completely oblivious to the fact that he likes you. Well, you should probably say he liked you. He has been somewhat ignoring you lately and giving you the cold shoulder.
"Yoo hoo, y/n? Anybody in there?" Chuck waves his hand in front of your face.
"Oh. Sorry. I must have zoned out." Is what you say, but what you really mean is, how long was I out?
"You were thinking about him weren't you? He told me he was going to talk to you about it. I guess he never did it. I don't blame him, you and Minho seem pretty satisfied together." He declares all of this like its no big deal.
"Does Thomas hate me now?" Is the first thing you ask, but quickly follow up with "Does he hate Minho too?"
"I don't think he really hates you or Minho, I think he just wishes he could be in Minhos place. I don't really know though. I think he gets pretty lonely all by himself." Chuck murmurs.
"I hope not" is all you say back.

After Minho gets back, you and Minho spend the entire night together in his tent. You eat food, chat, and have a little fun.

Authors Note
Ok I'm sorry this chapter is short and kinda vague towards the end but I didn't know how to put what I wanted it to say without it being weird and have like a bad scene and stuff and that would be awkward so yeah. This chapter was basically filler but that's okay because next chapter will actually be important I promise!!!! Btw, thanks sooooooo much for over 200 reads!! It's absolutely crazy! Ok bye have a nice time fangirling I love you all. happy birthday. bye.

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