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Finally, I know exactly what I'm doing with this story. Yay. I love that moment. Anyway, please vote or review or both. :)


I kept looking over my shoulder the moment I walked out the door. After I left my house, I started to feel paranoid, waiting for him to show up.


What kind of name was that?

It was clearly outdated, just like its owner.

I instantly shook that thought from my head. Considering everything that had happened the previous night, I might've been able to accept the whole....vampire existence thing. But the thousand year old stalker? Ugh, just give me that therapist's number now.

Walking along the street was slightly empowering, however, regardless of yesterday. For some reason, I took comfort in the daylight. If he was coming, at least I could see it ahead of time. I didn't want to hide away like some scared animal. Sure, I'd waited until the late afternoon and had entertained excused for not leaving, but it was better to face....whatever this was now rather than wait for it to find me.

As if I needed a reminder, his voice appeared out of nothing.

"Looking for someone?"

I swear, if he kept doing that....

I turned around, plastering my best glare to my face.

"If by someone you mean a very creepy and melodramatic....being, then no. I'm actually trying to avoid those at all cost."

The subtle twist of his mouth told me he was annoyed by my response. And maybe I should have been scared by that. But if anything, it only encouraged me to appear unfazed by him. Fear brought with it intimidation and I would not let myself be intimidated.

I would not.

"I do believe I warned you that I would be back." The man-Klaus-suddenly vanished, reappearing in front of me. "What's say about that meal now?"

Do not be intimidated, I repeated my mantra to myself. If he wanted to hurt me, he would have done so already.

At least, that's what I struggled to convince myself of.

"Are you asking me to join you or asking me to be it?" I asked, staring at him expectantly.

His eyes flashed. "I was merely offering you a choice out of politeness. But I've realized that that's another advantage to being what I am. One doesn't need it."

Before I could object, I was lifted again, much like the other night, but I didn't have time to close my eyes and the world suddenly smeared by in a hundred different colors. My hair sliced against my cheeks and my eyes watered as he ran. My heart climbed up and lodged itself into my throats until I could finally find the mechanism to close my eyes.

I couldn't breathe.

And then it was over.

"It's all right, Love," he said, gingerly unhooking my arms from around his neck that were locked in a death grip. I slowly peeled my lids back. When he finally set me down, everything spun in horrible circles and I had to resort to using his arm to balance myself with. I waited for my heart to stop pounding in my ears.

"What is wrong with you?" I snapped at him, hoping for my fiercest glare, but I instantly had to close my eyes again at the painful dips the ground made. "You can't just kidnap someone when you feel like it!" I yelled.

At that moment, I realized that I didn't know where I was. For all I knew, his intentions were most definitely ill intended and my eyes instinctively snapped back open. "Here, just let me go and this time, I won't tell anyone. Screw responsibility, okay?"

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