chapter 2:

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"your sure you said adam taurus" blake said for the billionth time

a meeting was being held between team RWBY and the rest of team JNPR jaune was absent since he was back at juniors bar drinking most likely

"yes he said it clear as day" yang said

"that doesn't make sense adam hates humans no he loathes them to follow a human and to romantically love another human is just completely outside his character and who is this cinder" blake asked

"that i don't know he quieted his tone when he spoke of her" yang said

"i still don't believe it's jaune" weiss said

"so who shot and me and then held a knife to my throat some doppelganger" yang asked and weiss's ridiculousness

"yes but we all know jaune arc he's a dunce with no skills in combat whatsoever" weiss said

"maybe he was faking" ruby said

"that is a possibility" ren said

"if so why why fake being weak" pyrrha said

"maybe it's the same reason he's getting drunk today we can all agree jaune is a pretty law abiding citizen so far as we know and he never does anything illegal yet here he is drinking underage and you said pyrrha today was some sort of anniversary maybe he got dumped" yang said

"that is false" i said causing all of them to jump

"where did you come from" yang demanded

"been here a good minute and to answer yang no i haven't been dumped just today was the day my life changed several years ago today is also the day i felt betrayal to answer why i fake being weak its not fake i am weak maybe not physically but i am weak" i said

"why do you say that" pyrrha asked she was curious but more then that she wanted to help her partner.....and the man she loved

"i'm not going to tell you everything" i said

"but you will explain" weiss asked and i nodded

"good enough" ruby said as everyone listened

"six years ago today i ran away from home" i said

"WHAT" they all shouted

"why" pyrrha asked

"i wasn't happy and because i was the only boy of the arc family i was put under certain expectations" i said

"i know how that feels" weiss said she knew what it was like to have a family who only had high expectations and nothing more

"i didn't want to live like that so i left and i have to say that was the best decision of my life now from here on i am going to be using a fake background to explain what happened okay because i made a promise not to tell anyone so your just gonna have to go with it" i said

"alright" yang said and the rest nodded

"alright so the fake part is i landed on an island okay" i said they nodded

"cool so after running away i managed to get myself on a boat using the majority of my savings that boat hit a storm causing us to be shipwrecked on an island leaving me as the only survivor there i saw a sword with a yellow lightning bolt shaped hilt i walked over and picked up the blade in case i ran into grim this blade was actually quite important to the populace of the island who worshiped ten blades" i said

"like the legend of the ten swords" ruby said i nodded 

"indeed so like two hundred years ago they made replicas i found the sword of lightnings replica and because i was able to pick it up i was named part of then ten chiefs of the island" i said

"so you were worshiped as some sort of king" weiss said

"more like a general in fact we were known as the ten generals what i didn't know until a day later was that these islanders were the best swordsman in remnant that is not an exaggeration either these people were amazing and so i was trained to wield the sword of lightning and i was actually quite talented eventually beating the other nine swords in a one on spar earning me the moniker the lightning fast swordsman fitting wouldn't you say" i said they nodded

"anyway i lived quite comfortably on that island gaining myself followers of which i then branched out with the goal being to aid the faunus which i did you see the island i was on was actually a conglomeration of ten small islands we called asteria i moved all of the faunus from menagerie to my island which was known as ardania where they would have more space and be much more able to live of course they had to live with humans but after speaking with the leader of the white fang sienna khan and the chief ghira belladonna they okay'd it and the move went well as they settled in i could tell they were happy they even built a statue of me in my former armor in the middle of town which i hated but got used to eventually this of course sparked outrage from the other branches of the white fang that is before they met me then one by one they fell in line the only one that posed a problem was adam but he was dealt with the moment he met my 'adoptive sister' elizabeth" i said emphasizing adoptive sister

"why do you stress the words adoptive sister" ruby asked

"for the same reason i am using an island as opposed to where i actually ended up" i said

"what does your adoptive sister have do with adam" blake asked

"the bastard fell in love with her at first sight" i said

"really" blake said in shock

"i can call him and you can ask him yourself if you don't believe me anyway he immediately went to get to know her and they grew close they soon started dating and now they are engaged after four years of dating anyway because of his relationship with her he fell in line and became one of my most loyal subordinates he also became my go to subordinate when i needed a mission done he was the first i called because of how much i trusted him" i said blake nodded adam was many things but he would never betray his cause

"and so our goal became transferring the faunus who weren't happy to ardania but it seems he is being manhandled and so i have to get him out" i said

"you didn't explain why this day sucks so much for you" yang said i sighed

"as i stated the islands hold the best fighters in remnant hands down because of this the leader of the council decided to spark a rebellion within the kingdoms in hopes of taking over" i said

"why haven't they done so" weiss asked worriedly

"hey JNPR what am i good at" i asked

"uh leading you have good tactical and strategic skills" pyrrha said confused

"bingo the reason i left and the reason i act weak is because i refused to take part that being said they need me to actually lead the operation as none of them are tactically inclined they would just charge into battle and hope they win and the i refuse to use their skills to get me anywhere i use my natural talent at leading and that's it its why i suck so much i have never used a sword and shield i always duel wielded or simply had a sword" i said they all nodded in understanding

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