It took him a while, but Edmund finally admitted that he had infract, found that fun. "Fine, I enjoyed it."

"Told ya!" Lucy said with a laugh.

"You know what that means though?" Edmund asked.

"What?" Lucy said.

"It means I get to do this."

Lucy screamed slightly when Edmund suddenly splashed her with water, but started laughing after a moment. She then splashed her brother back.

This continued for a long while. Edmund and Lucy played in the water until it was dark, and Lucy said they should probably head inside. Especially if they wanted to watch the sunrise in the morning.

Edmund agreed and the two headed inside. Eventually saying goodnight and going their separate ways.

Once Edmund changed out of his wet clothes, he decided to read a little bit before bed. So he grabbed his book and laid on his stomach on his bed, beginning to read.

He soon realized though that he wasn't exactly sure what time sunrise was. He got up, and went to ask Lucy, so that he would know when to wake up in the morning.

Shutting the door behind him, Edmund frowned. He thought he smelt something funny, but figured he was just going crazy. He soon reached Lucy's door, and knocked on it. But his eyes went wide when he did, the door was hot!

"Lucy!" He shouted, practically beating on the door.

When there was no answer Edmund opened the door, his eyes going wide at the sight, and his heart beginning to race.

Edmund took a deep breath, he knew what he had to do. "Lucy's room is on fire!!!" He shouted, before running inside.

He knew someone would hear him, and hopefully be there to help put the fire out, or help Lucy. Susan's room was right across from Lucy's so she definitely heard him.

"Lucy!" Edmund shouted as he ran inside. "Lucy where are you?!" He coughed, knowing he'd already inhaled a lot of smoke.

"I'm in the bathroom!"

Edmund's head immediately turned at hearing his sister's voice. He was so scared she'd already been eaten alive by the flames. "I'm coming Lucy!"

The entire path to Lucy's bathroom seemed to be surrounded my fire, but Edmund didn't let that stop him. He had to get to his sister.

Eventually, he made his way to the door. He was coughing horribly by the time he had though, and knew he had some major burns.

Edmund quickly opened the door, and Lucy immediately ran to him. "Edmund!" She said, tears streaming down her cheeks as she held her brother tightly.

"It's alright." Edmund said, coughing. "You're alright. But we have to get out of here, now."

Lucy nodded.

"Grab a towel or something to cover your mouth and nose, so you don't inhale too much smoke." Edmund told her.

Lucy quickly did as he had said.

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