'Cuddling 💞'

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Micheals POV
Noah is at work right now, he won't be back for..another 20 minutes or so. I was getting a bit cold after about 5 minutes of watching YouTube on the TV in our bedroom. I pulled the fluffy white blanket over me and made sure it covered my whole body. A while later I was still cold as if there was no blanket on me. I texted Noah 'How long until you come home?' He replied about 1 minute later. 'I'll be done in about 15 minutes love. Sorry I'm not there!' Although it was a text, It made me feel like he was here beside me. I still felt cold, I texted him back saying okay and went offline. I thought I would be free from my phone until Noah got back, but never mind. My phone rang, it said Elizabeth was calling. I answered of course! She's my little sister, why wouldn't I answer? I answered the phone.
Out of Micheals POV————————————————————
'Hey Lizzy! What do you need?'
'Hey Mikey!' She said in an excited way.
'I don't need anything I just wanted to call you.' As it was a FaceTime, I could see the bright caring smile on her face.
'Is Evan there Elizabeth?'
She stood up and went out of the camera saying 'I'll go check!'
I said alright and waited for her to come back, hopefully with Evan. It wasn't either of them that came. It was my mother, she picked up the phone. I was excited to see her and we caught up about how we were and all the adult stuff. Suddenly she told me the phone was on low battery. I said it was okay and we hung up. I was still waiting for Noah to arrive home.———————————————————
Still cold and shivering under the blanket, I heard the door open and close. I knew it had to be Noah! I heard him come upstairs and he opened the door.
'Hey love!' He said coming over to me and kissing my head.
I greeted him back. He asked 'Why are you shivering?'
'I don't know why but I'm still cold.'
He pulled the blanket off, got into bed with me and held his arms out. I cuddled into him, nuzzling my head into his chest. My leg over his legs as he held my thigh. I pulled my head up and got a bit closer to him. Placed my hand onto his face and made our lips touch. He pulled me onto his lap and we made out for around 5 minutes? I pulled away and cuddled back into him. He kissed my head.
'Goodnight my dear~' He said in a flirty voice. I said it back along with an 'I love you'
'I love you too baby'
Word count (not this part) - 469————————————————————
Hope you enjoyed this (Fluff?) chapter!
This is my first story and I hope you enjoy my future ones and this one! 😯💜————————————————————
- Creater 😚✌🏼✨

(rewrite of this shit 🤪📸)

Michael's pov

Noah is at work right now, he won't be back for another 20 minutes or so now. I was watching a Netflix show on the TV when i started to get cold. I grabbed a blanket that was folded neatly at the end of the bed and placed it over me since the covers would be too hot.

I got a bit bored of Netflix and went on my phone while having it play in the background incase some drama happened. I got a text from Noah, or as saved on my phone 'baby<3', saying he was on his way home and was getting in his car. I sent him a text back and put my phone down. Thinking i would be free from my phone, i just continued watching the boring non-drama scenes on the tv.

My phone buzzed repeatedly until i finally picked it up, sitting up a bit. It was my little sister calling me. I answered of course, why wouldn't I? She is insanely annoying but i love her a lot.

sister i hate 🫶

M: "hi lizzy, what's up?"
E: "nothing, i'm just bored!"
M: "then why call me Elizabeth, go play with Evan or something"
E: "he's being a crybaby!!"
M: "elizabeth. we don't call him that."
E: "sorry.. it's true though! he's crying because i ate the last cookie"
M: "then i don't blame him"
E: "broooo why"
M: "evan has cookies, you have ice cream, you don't mix"
E: "we don't mix? what do u mean by that"
M: "omg go to school"
E: "ew"
M: "then learn you dummy"

sister i hate 🫶
call ended

I am out of my misery now. She is so annoying. But anyways, back to watching my spicy drama series.

20 minutes later 😬

I heard Noah's car pull up on the driveway, the door unlock and open. I don't know how to drive, I don't want to know how to drive. I get Noah to take me places. Talking about Noah, i heard him come up the stairs and the bedroom door open.

"Hello, my darling"
"Hello, baby"
"What are you watching?"
"Some random thing i found on Netflix"
"Uhh.. dunno"
"hah, alright. As long as your enjoying it, my love"

He walked up to me and pecked my lips before walking into the bathroom.


Noah walked out the bathroom in sweatpants and drying his hair with a small towel. He sat next to me after putting the towel in a laundry basket. His lips attached onto mine and his hand grabbed the back of my neck. I broke the kiss and he smiled at me.

"I love you so much, darling"
"I love you too, tomato"


rewrite finished. you can defo see the change in writing 😬

the first one is so cringy 💀

but hope u enjoyed ig

more rewrites will come out after a new chapter 😜

so cyaaa! 🫶

- evvnx_ 🙈❣️

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