chapter one • the night we met

Start from the beginning

Rafe's favourite colour had always been blue, but now he felt himself gravitating more towards red- he wondered if she could tell.

His eyes were set on her for a good while, just mesmerised by the way she moved and he would definitely say a hundred other dudes were also in the same position he was in- because once you laid eyes on her it was like she were the only girl in the room.

But it wasn't their eyes that she locked with, it was his.

As she looked up either eyes instantly met, a smirk teasing the ends of her plump cherry lips as she continued to dance with their eyes still aligned with one another. Rafe didn't look away, he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing and instead matched her smirk with his own.

She was so angelic, he thought, and had never seen anything like what he was witnessing in that present moment as his eyes spoke for him. The drugs had kicked in but the all time high came from watching the female move with the music.

That connection was soon broke when Rafe was ripped from his hypnotic trance as he felt a firm hand slap his shoulder, causing the male to jump slightly due to being hyper sensitive from the coke that was laced within his organisms.

"Hey man, didn't see you show up! How long you been here?" The familiar voice spoke over the music, causing the dirty blonde to glance up and identify the other as Kelce.

"Not long bro, not long" he responded simply, taking his chance to look over to where the brunette had been dancing and coming to realisation she was no longer above the crowd. Hurriedly flickering his eyes over every head he could and come to conclusion that he'd lost her amongst the horde.


The raw reality he had been ignorant to soon came crushing down without her small presence in his eye line, it was patronising and dominant above every thing else that consisted within him- not even the drugs were strong enough to keep him immune.

Murderer, murderer, murderer.

He conversated with Kelce for awhile, yet that never stopped his wondering blue hues from dancing across each being at the party as he searched for her. Finally coming to conclusion that the female must of simply been a hallucination, she was too unreal to even exist, he thought.

None of the other girls he laid eyes on since the brunette had interested him in the slightest, either trying to hard, trying for male validation or too drunk to function. Rafe didn't like either of those things, it almost felt too unnatural.

He wondered why he had never seen her around as he usually knew everyone in this island, being who he his and having the status he upheld it wasn't often he missed an individual. And that's what made her all the more interesting.

"Want another drink bro?" Kelce offered looking down at both their now empty cups, just barely snapping Rafe from his daze he had fallen captive to.

All he could do was nod in response, still a prisoner to the menacing thoughts that flooded through his mind relentlessly- the drugs were strong but not nearly strong enough. What he needed was something smothering, something so potent he'd forget his own name and-

"We're you just gonna sit there all night and stare or were you actually gonna come dance with me?"

There it was, bingo.

The silky voice located just behind him, turning to acknowledge that same angelic being whom he had his eyes set on for majority of the night. Up close she was even more mesmerising, velvety tan skin, eyes border-lining between a beautiful hazel and sage green, soft chocolate locks that fell effortlessly over her petite shoulders. Rafe nearly found himself lost for words.

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