Chapter 24 Lilo and Stitch meet Ladybug and Chat Noir (4)

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Alya, Nino, Marinette and Adrien over the next few weeks toured Paris with Lilo, Stitch, Ella, Etta and Chris taking lots of photograph and generally having a good time. Even Hawkmoth was quiet. No akuma's were to be seen.

In the time they had together so far, Marinette had knitted a matching scarf for the 4 kids as well as Stitch and gave it to them as a memento of their time together in Paris. She gave it to them as soon as she had finished so that they could wear the items together in photographs.

That was until the body corporate of the apartment complex found that Stitch was staying at the Cesaire's unit. Things went down hill rapidly ending up in the worst possible akuma to occur.

Hawkmoth felt the absolute frustration and despair that Stitch was feeling and thinking that it was a human sent out an akumatised butterfly to akumatise the upset person. He realised his mistake when it took hold.

"Who are you? or rather what are you?" Hawkmoth asked.

"Experiment 626, name Stitch" reported Stitch.

Hawkmoth, realising that he was not going to understand at all, plowed on "I call you Destructor, you can take revenge upon those that have harmed your , hmm, "Ohana" in return I want the miraculous of Chat Noir and Ladybug. Do we have a deal?"

"Deal, badness coming on!" Stitch replied and turned into a giant version of himself, as big as the city's high rises and he started attacking the body corporate first.

Marinette was sitting in her room sewing when Stitch had been akumatised. The first she was aware was hearing a large bang which sounded like a building or several had been destroyed.

"Spots On Tikki" she shouted as she ran out the balcony door, only to see Stitch pick up the Eiffel Tower and throw it to the moon.

Chat Noir was already on site.

"Hi M'Lady" he greeted me "The only thing that I can see that mewght have the akuma is his scarf, but I can't get close enough. He has a pretty pawsome punch, more so now he's this big."

"Ok Kitty, let's see what lucky charm does then!"

"Lucky charm!" Ladybug yells and gets a box. "Oh...I will be right back."
And disappears on Chat Noir while she went back to her place to get help from the miracle box.

"Hmm, who should I choose?" Marinette asked Tikki and the kwami's.

"If I may" said Longg "I didn't tell you before as it isn't usually useful, I actually have 2 forms. The second you have to say "Long magnify up" rather than the usual "Longg bring the storm" I believe that the magnify up form would help you this time."

"True," Marinette agreed hearing another crash "I think that we also need Trixx and Wayzz for the plan to work."

"As you wish, mistress" the 3 kwami's said disappearing into their items.

Marinette hurried off and found Alya and Nino, who were luckily together again.

"Alya, Nino will you help save Paris again?" Ladybug asked them

"Yes!" They answered.

"Remember to return the miraculous to me when I return for it."

"Yes Ladybug" they agree.

"Wayzz Shell on"
"Trixx let's pounce" the pair said.

"What's the plan?" Asked Rena Rouge.

"Well, I would like you Rena to make the damage Stitch does, more than is actually done so that more lives are saved. It's pretty clear that he wants to destroy everything since he is too big to steal everyone's left sock." Referring to the stories Lilo had told us. "Do you know where Lilo is?"

"The park, yelling at Stitch" Carapace said.

"Thanks" Ladybug said "Carapace I want you to protect and remove as many people as you can ok?"

"On it Ladybug!" Carapace said and headed off.

Ladybug left to find Lilo and Rena Rouge went to work near Chat Noir to let him know the plan so far.

A/N Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter. If you find any errors please let me know as this chapter is unedited.

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