Best Friend

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Excuse any mistakes, I wrote this while at work. Enjoy lovebugs. 💕



"Dorinda, can you please talk to me? You've been crying ever since you got here. I haven't heard from you in three weeks then all of a sudden you pop up at the house? This isn't like you. Tell me what's happening so I know how to help you. Please?" Karen begged.

I continued to cry in my hands as I sat on the couch. I'd decided to visit Karen because I needed to talk to my sister. I needed her alter because she was the only one who could help me in this broken moment in my life.

"Doe, please?" Karen asked, placing her hand on my leg.

Sniffing, I looked up at her as tears fell down my face. I stared at her for a moment before speaking.

"Can you do something for me, please? Can you bring Grace out. I need to talk to her."

"Doe, I don't.... I don't understand." Karen said.

"Karen, please? Please? Bring her out so that I can talk to her. You'll be able to hear everything I just need to talk to her directly. Do this for me."

Hearing the seriousness in my voice, Karen sighed before nodding her head. She went quiet as she closed her eyes. A moment later Grace surfaced. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"G-Grace?" My voice broke.

"Yes, honey. It's me."

I hugged her as I buried my face in her chest and sobbed. Brushing the back of my head softly, she held me as she rocked me back and forth.

"Sweetheart, what's going on? Talk to me. We're all worried about you and we're all here for you. What's wrong?"

"Grace, you were right..... men are dogs. I got involved with Dave's friend and he showed me one side of himself that I fell in love with. One day we had a talk a really long talk after a long fight that Greg and I had. One thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together. I don't know why it happened it just did and I didn't want to stop him because it felt good and I was numb. I just wanted to feel something and he made me feel that. He and I didn't know what we were getting into but every time we'd come around we'd end up having sex time after time again. I knew that I was getting myself in way too deep but I'd already fallen and I couldn't get up. He had me stuck and I felt safe with him and I just...."

"Okay, so you felt safe with him and you were happy? So, what happened?" Grace asked.

"We tried our hardest to use protection but sometimes we'd get so caught up in the moment that we'd lose track and it would completely slip our minds. I was on the pill so I don't understand how it happened but it did and now I'm h-here." I said, putting my head down.

My voice broke as more tears fell from my eyes. Grace held me tighter as her rocking became ever slowly.

"Dorinda, honey. Are you pregnant?"

I began to cry harder as I nodded my head.

"Y-Yes, I am."

"Oh, baby. It's okay. We all get caught up sometimes. You're in love and you were vulnerable. That doesn't make you a bad person. It just makes you human." Grace said.

"But, Grace..... I knew. I knew before the test ever came back positive I knew that he didn't want any kids because he told me so. That's why I was on the pill. Even though I didn't use condoms effectively I made sure to be on the pill and take them faithfully. Now he's gone. He left me to fend for myself and it's so crazy because I stayed with him through it all. Even when he told me that he was a sex addict I stayed. I stayed and waited on him because somehow I knew that there was a possibility that we could heal each other. I wanted to be there for him. I would have stayed with him but he left me. He left me and it hurts. It hurts so bad." I sobbed.

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