"Won't even think about that."
After their time in the cinemas and eating at Mina's favorite Akai bowl place, the group just went straight back at their hotel and took their luggages before moving into Mina and Chaeyoung's room to pass time till the time for their flight back to Korea.

Now the girls seat on the sofa in the living room while watching T.V that was playing some foreign drama which they all intently focused on.

"Where are the boys?" Rosé asked looking around the room with no sign of the boys.

"Out in the balcony," Jihyo simply answered glancing at the way to the balcony before focusing back on the T.V with a sigh.

"Are you really sure that you want to end your relationship? I mean we understand why you both did that but...are you both really sure?" Sana asked turning her head to Jihyo, she was given a sigh before the girl also turned to her and gave a nod.

"We're...we're sure already girls, it was a mutual decision—"

"Yes yes, you already told us that the other night Jih," Jennie said cutting her words off with a small sigh.

"But throwing five years of relationships is something I'd really be reconsidering you know? I mean those years are long and you both shared a lot of memories already...and you're just going to throw it away like that?" Momo stated looking at Jihyo with a sympathetic smile.

"We know what we'd both lose if we choose to really break up, but time and communication is really important in a relationship, and that's what we both lost and lacked off," Jihyo muttered looking down at her lap where her hands were fidgeting with each other. She once again looked back at the girls, giving them small smiles.

"Will you be okay though?" Rosé asked with a curious look in her eyes as Jihyo shook her head 'no'

"I'll be honest and say that I won't be okay, I'll miss him of course, but many things changed with us this last few months and of course the lost time and communication is hard to get back at our situation," She answered with a shrug as she slumped her back on the soft cushion behind her.

"But I'll manage, I'll try my very best just to make myself okay, I'll be having a busy schedule next month, shoots, interviews, meetings, and prepare for another drama I'll be directing, I'd keep myself busy with those," She added turning her head to the girls with a smile — one that didn't reach her eyes.

"I'll be okay girls, I'll take care of myself and I'll be sure to call one of you if ever I need anything, okay? Don't worry yourself too much and focus on your lives," She said with a smile that the girls returned before scooting closer to her and engulfing her into a group hug. At this times like this where one of them is down, a hug this warm and full of love will always make them feel better in an instant, no words needed to be exchanged just for them to understand each other, just them in the warmest and most loving hug will be all great for them.

"I have something to tell you girls," Mina said still in the hug, they all pulled away a little just to turn their heads to look at their youngest with curios expression.

"What is it?" They asked in chorus that made the youngest giggle. She then started spilling her words that earned shocked and surprised expressions from the girls.

"You're serious?!" Nayeon exclaimed with a shocked look on her face while Mina nodded with a wide smile on her face.

"Well that was a really good thing to say to brighten up the mood," Jihyo said smiling at her.

"When do you intend to tell them that?" Momo asked her.

"I was thinking if now or maybe when we get back to Korea?" She said her voice trailing a bit in the end in a questioning manner.

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