Barry rolled his eyes subtly. "Yeah, and every shitty job out there. Why you think I'm selling drugs?" Rafe then replied, "Oh, I don't know, lifestyle." Ophelia's smile faded, as much as she trusted in Rafe, she would never trust Barry, or his up to no good antics. "Keep running that mouth." Barry spat harshly.

Before Rafe could retaliate, Ophelia slipped the wad of cash the pair had brought with them, landing straight into the middle of Barry's chest, who wasn't sure if the cash was more important than the growing smile forming on Ophelia's face.

"I need your help."

Rafe, coming to a screeching halt, used one hand to remove his helmet, the other sneaking back towards the girl clung to his back, fingertips trailing over her hips, a small gesture in response to her attendance.

The two boys had bent before a sewer drain, set off next to a curb, where as Ophelia hovered over Rafe, her hand pressed firmly against his back as she traced small nothings over the surface.

"Now, the easiest thing to do is flush it." Ophelia shifted from one foot to the other, rather annoyed with Barry as a whole. He had brought the pair here, seemingly just to tell them what not to do. Ophelia knew they had to retrieve the gun, that was if she wanted to see Rafe up close and personal, and not behind a set of bars.

"Ima tell you right now, my ass ain't getting down there in that shit." Rafe rose to his feet, looking away from Barry and off into the distance, enjoying the brief moment of Ophelia's warm fingertips pressed against his back, before all went numb. "Fuck." Ophelia shook her head. "I'll go down."

Barry couldn't help but smile. For one, he swore the Kook Princess never as much as got her hands dirty, afraid of ruining her freshly manicured nails or dirtying her strawberry scented tanned skin. Now, she was ruthless, seemingly afraid of nothing, and Barry couldn't help but notice her bitten down nails and tainted skin, bruised and scared with not a care in the world.

"No." Rafe shook his head, one hand finding way to his hair, the other wrapping firmly around Ophelia's waist. "Not a fucking chance." Rafe could barely look at Ophelia, his fingers trembling and eyes batting, a nervous habit he had formed upon loosing the girl at Sea.

"Girls got balls." Barry chimed lightly, earning a subtle smile from Ophelia, though anything but from Rafe. "That's my girl we're talking about." Rafe spat. "Who I might add, is not going down there."

Ophelia, shifting yet again, one foot to the other, wrapped her hands firmly around the boys face, whom was clearly unsure of where to keep his stare. "Rafe." Ophelia sighed, her words ever so soft. "You have to let me go."

Shaking his head, tears seemed to form in his eyes, shaking his head profusely. "No." He replied. "No, no, no." And that seemed to be final. "I tried that once before and you saw how that worked out."

Barry, dazed and confused, let his eyes dance between the couple before shaking his head, pointing off in the other direction. "We flush it out." Rafe nodded in response. "Don't listen to anything Ophelia has to say unless I clarify. Got it?" His finger outstretched towards Barry, raised his hands in response, laughing dryly.

"Yeah, man. Whatever. I ain't got no part in your twisted up relationship." And that, was the end of that. Barry, beginning to walk the other way, Rafe grabbing ahold of Ophelia's hand who in return, tore it away.

"Don't be like this, O." Rafe muttered softly, his clouded eyes falling over her state of annoyance. "Don't treat me like a child." Was Ophelia's reply. "Not a child." Rafe argued back. "But someone I could never imagine my life without." One hand wound around her waist, the other, pressed firmly against her cheek.

"What's any of this worth If I loose you?" Ophelia melted into Rafe's hold, no matter how angry or upset she would ever be, it was undeniable that she would always find her way back to the Cameron boy.

"Let's go get that gun." Ophelia muttered quietly, rising on her tip toes, where her lips brushed against Rafe's, the boy groaning at the sudden contact. "That's my girl." He grinned playfully, a soft kiss pressed momentarily to her lips.

Ophelia hadn't played a part beginning to understand what Barry was doing, but keeping a close eye around the perimeter, if anything, the most important job. If they got caught, she knew it would only further ruin Rafe's reputation.

"Rafe?" Ophelia treaded lightly, her footsteps ever so quiet as the Cameron boy tore his stare away from Barry, and towards the dark haired girl a few feet in the distance. "What is it, baby?" To which Ophelia replied, "listen."

Both Barry and Rafe obliged, not moving a muscle as their ears picked up on what Ophelia was hearing - the familiar voices of the Pogues. "They're in the sewer." Rafe nodded to himself, Ophelia almost thankful the boy had stopped her from going down there, his next words hitting hard.

"Flush them out."

Rafe looked to Ophelia, as if for approval, which the girl nodded softly, her lips pursed into a thin line, Barry getting all the recognition he needed to go ahead with the plan. "You flush that pipe, you're going to kill the rat."

Rafe remained still. "Yeah." Barry's stare met Ophelia, whom held her ground. "The last thing you need is more dead bodies showing up around here." Barry sighed. "You realize what you're doing?"

Ophelia, taking a few steps forward, placed her hand on Rafe's back before sliding in between the pair, although shorter, stood tall and seemingly, proud. "Do you not realize what you're doing, bro?" Barry shook his head.

"Flush them out." Ophelia repeated, an audible laugh leaving Rafe's chapped lips, a sense of adrenaline running though his veins. "Get the hell out of our way." Rafe ordered and seemingly, Barry had listened.

Instead of waiting around, Barry went off to bring the truck around, where as Ophelia remained by Rafe's side, as she promised she always would, through this and that and whatever else came their way.

His hands placed over the wheel, Ophelia took a moment to place her own on top, giving him the gentle push he had needed. "You're sure about this?" Rafe was hesitant, almost afraid Ophelia would change her mind.

She hadn't.

The girl smiled softly, either hand placed on Rafe's cheeks, warm to the touch, and giving her a sense of belonging. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life." She whispered lightly, her lips pressing against his forehead.

She hadn't been talking about the plan.

Rafe couldn't help but smile, his lips curving upwards as his heart nearly imploded in his chest, watching carefully as the Martin girl took a hold of the other side, her fingertips wrapping firmly around the metal wheel.

Rafe, a bubble of laugher, stood tall as the veins grew prominent in his forearms, his fingers wrapping around the wheel ever so tightly. Together, they spun the wheel, almost as if nothing else in the world had mattered.

There, it was Rafe and Ophelia. Ophelia and Rafe. It's how it should be - how it always would be.

An overwhelming feeling of power came over the two, a new sense of attraction brewing in the pits of Rafe's stomach as he then realized just how much Ophelia would do for him.

He smiled manically. "I fucking love you, O."

─ ☆°•.¸☆¸.•°☆ ─

Author's Note


I hope you are all still enjoying. I've felt a new sense of inspiration after creating the trailer. If you have/followed my tiktok [@/outerbankscameron] please let me know so I can follow you back.

I have gotten some ideas, and I promise, within the next few chapter's they will be just as steamy as you are hoping for. 

Thank you all for the support. I love you all.

Stay tuned, and enjoy.

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