Trollstopia Ep 82: Canines in the Clouds Part 2

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Back with the Trolls, everyone but Prince D and Ricky became uncomfortable with how chatty Roxy is.

She then said, "Because the clouds are filled with water, and so close to the sun, our crops can grow ten times the size. If my Tribe were able to join in Trollstopia, all Tribes would have plenty of food. Even though crops need soil, when my ancestors moved here, the Troll Gods blessed the land to be good enough for them to grow. So, I guess it would make our crops magic. However, they don't seem to have any side effects once, so it's ok for them to be devoured. The blessing even made the clouds magical for us to create any materials needed in our lives."

"Really? Even clothes...?" Prince D is interested until Cooper covers his mouth.

"No, D-bro! Don't!" Cooper said, hesitant.

Then Roxy said, "The Troll Gods provide us with animals made from clouds, water, rainbows, or other elements within weathers. We get our clothing made from the cotton of our crops and sheep. Rainbows magically created my unicorn here named Rihanna."

As she continued, Barb complained, "Ugh, she's such a chatterbox."

"I agree, Queen Barb. Make her stop," said Val, covering her ears.

"I'm not surprised by this. Chieftess Roxy inherited her gift of speaking from her grandfather, Richard Anderson Bilee, the 32nd. When it comes to talking, he never stops," said Elder Leaf.

"You know, Grandpa Rickman?" Ricky said, overhearing.

"That's right, Little Ricky. When I was young, it was my sacred duty to keep records on every Troll Tribe. It was given to me by the Troll Gods, and for safety measures, they told me to disguise myself as the Troll Tribes I'm watching over."

"By the way, Elder Leaf, did you give any of your inventions to the R&B Tribe?" Hickory asks.

"Yep. I invented windmills, sewing machines, cotton gens, and dream catchers."

"You were Jean Miller?" Roxy said, surprised.

"Yep. It was hard to make sure I wasn't detected due to the R&Bs sense of smell. I had to put on a lot of dog perfume. So, tell me, Roxy. Is your father still having trouble with seeing?"

"Yes? How did you know my father?"

"I had to learn about every member of the leaders on the Troll Tribes. It was part of my job."

"Well, if you must know, he's still in that condition. It's incurable due to him being born with it. It must've gotten worse, and he encountered some medical problem that made him unable to look after the tribe and made me appointed as their chief."

"Poor Ray."

"Yeah, but despite that, Daddy is very skilled in his painting, piano playing, and his superpower. He's the best Daddy I can ever hope to have. And look, we're finally here at Gleeville," said Ricky, once everyone reaches the top of the escalator.

When everyone saw Gleeville, every building was made of clouds.

"Is this heaven from the Bibles?" said Big Sugar Daddy.

"Oh no. Heaven is right next door over there in the far East. The Troll Gods try to give them space for God. It took a lot of rearranging and paperwork. Hi, Peter," said Ricky, pointing to a great gold wall with 12 pearly gates that is being guarded by a Gospel Troll who has a strong resemblance of Saint Peter and light shining bright behind them far off of the Gleeville.

When Saint Peter sees the Trolls, he waved kindly, which surprises everyone.

Chaka Conny then said with joy, "Is that Saint Peter from the Bible?"

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