(Time skip)

Lunch break comes. Josuke and his friends get together in the backyard of the school. Their permanent dining spot is by the pool.

Y/N said she would be a little late and run in to buy a drink from the vending machine. While the others were dining near the pool, no one suspected what was happening to the girl.


Y/N runs to the beverage machine. In have 70 yen in my pocket to buy a grape-flavored soda. While the machine was trying to pull out the bottle, someone approached the girl from behind. Looking back it was Josuke.

"Oh, Josuke. You scared me. Did you come to buy a drink too? You could say you want to buy something. I would take." The girl takes out a bottle from the machine.

"I didn't come for a drink." Y/N hears a kind of annoyance and displeasure in the guy's voice.

"Why did you come?"

"I came to tell you to stop following me. How dare you say that I am acting like a child?"

"What? I'm not saying that you child. I just said that you behave more like a small child. And that was just a joke."

"Well, unlike you, those girls at least do something. You just love to laugh at me. I would never be friends with a bitch like you, if I knew in advance."

"Josuke? What fly bit you?"

"I was not bitten by a fly. I am telling the truth. You annoy and infuriate me. Do not dare to approach or approach me any more."

" But I..."

" Shut up already!" On this the guy leaves.

Y/N sits down and cries. Why did Josuke yell at her like that? It doesn't look like him. From the very morning, the guy was so cheerful, but suddenly he became aggressive. And no longer wants Y/N to come close with him.

Y/N covers his face with his hands. She is crying. Never before had she thought that her best friend would say that to her face. It is so painful.

(Josuke pov)

Something Y/N is delayed. Usually it will take at least 2 minutes to buy a drink from the vending machine, but she at 7 minutes. Something clearly happened.

"Guys, I'm going for Y/N. I have a bad feeling." Leaving the box with food near Koichi, I ran to look for Y/N.

All vending machines with a purchase are located on the street near the incinerator. Y/N sat there. She looked a little sad.

"Y/N, you are late, and I went to look for you." I saw her crying.

"Y/N, what happened? Why are you crying?" I try to get closer, but Y/N pushes me to the ground.

"Get away from me! Do you want to make fun of me again?" She says.

"What? Make fun of?"

"Have you forgotten? Just a couple of minutes ago you said that you no longer want to see me and be friends! You got angry with me only because of a pathetic, harmless joke!"

"Y/N, but I just got here." I say getting up from the ground.

"I don't believe it. You said it all in such a tone that... That..." She cries harder.

"Please don't cry."

"Go away Higashikata!" Y/N hits me on the cheek with his palm and runs away with a bottle in his hands.

"Y/N!" She pays no attention and leaves...

What was that just now? Did she hit me? Was she offended? But all this time I was with friends. I couldn't say it. But... Now I feel bad. My best friend hated me because she heard exactly the opposite words. I would never say that she is bad or ugly. But somehow I said that I don't want to see Y/N or even be friends. What happened here?

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