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    - Jisung

"Jisung I've told you already you cannot work alone so you are going to work with him" My teacher told me

"But sir I don't work well with people" he rolled his eyes

"And I don't work well with teenagers yet here I am" I laughed

"My decision is final you are going to work with Na Jaemin" I sighed, god I hate the kids in my class

"Sir I could work with anyone else in the class why do you have to pair me with an idiot" He laughed

"Because you are extremely smart so maybe he'll learn something and actually do well in his work" I rolled my eyes

"Jisung please just do this" I sighed and gave up

"Fine sir but I won't be happy about it" He laughed

"I know kid" He ruffled my hair and kicked me out of his classroom

I sighed and put my ear buds back in, I had no more classes today so I decided to walk to the library and study

Someone put their hand on my shoulder and I took out my earbuds "Hey your Jisung right" it was Jaemin

"Yeah" He smiled

"Perfect your my partner for the literacy assignment" I nodded

"Where are you going now" he said following me

"I was going to the library" He smiled

"Perfect we can start our assignment then" I frowned, I thought he wouldn't care about this

"You want to do work" He nodded

"What do you think I would force you to do everything" He laughed

"Yeah that's what you people are like" He frowned

"What do you mean my people" I think I might have offended him

"Nothing just popular people" He laughed, maybe I didn't offend him

"Oh no not all of us are like that yeah there are a few but my friends aren't except for maybe Mark but he's not a bully he's just stupid and nobody likes working with him" I smiled, maybe Jaemin wasn't that bad

"So what is this assignment about" I sighed

"I'm sorry I didn't pay attention" Jaemin tried defending himself

"It's creative writing you have to write something from the perspective of two people"

"So it's like a compare and contrast" 

"Kind of I guess it's just writing the two different point of views on the same situation but you have too make it creative" He nodded

"This sounds really easy and really stupid why is this an assignment" I smiled

"Well it sounds easy in theory but you know how the teacher is there is going to be some meaning behind this and then fail everyone because they didn't find it" He frowned

"Okay so it's due in two weeks" He nodded

"Why does he give us so much time for this easy assignment" I shrugged my shoulder

We brainstormed ideas for a bit when his friend walked in "Jaemin what's up bro" 

"Hey Mark why are you in a library are you okay are you hiding from someone" Mark rolled his eyes

"I have to do this stupid assignment with Renjun and you know how scary Renjun is" Jaemin laughed

"That's my baby" Mark frowned

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