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 I felt myself go pale. Not only was there a picture of him,but there was a picture of me on the screen as well.

This was private. How did this get out?

Jett walked in while putting his shirt on.I looked at him with fear in my eyes.

As soon as he read the headline he came over and pulled me into a hug. He pulled out his phone.

"K I'm calling Jake right now."

I just nodded my head,still looking at the TV.

"Jake turn on the news right now."

That's the last I heard of their conversation before he walked into the hallway.Not even five seconds after Jett walked out of the room,the video that the fan had of Cruz grabbing my arm was displayed on the TV.

I was mortified.

I rushed downstairs to make sure my parents weren't watching the news. Thankfully they had been watching a movie instead. I made my way back upstairs before they could even notice I was down there.

When I got back upstairs Jett was sitting on my bed.

"So what did Jake say?" I asked.

"The good news is the fan has already been arrested for trespassing. The bad news is the news is spreading,and fast. He said he's doing all he can but he doesn't know when this will be over."

"This shouldn't even be happening. I was just going to stay away from Colt. I'm not even pressing charges. The media is making this far more dramatic than it needs to be."

"I know,I know. This will be over soon. For now we should get some sleep. We're probably going to have a busy day tomorrow."

"Yeah you're right. Night Jettson." I said, kissing him on the forehead.

"Goodnight K." He said with a huge smile on his face.



Sorry this chapters so short! I had to include it because it completed the cliff hanger from last chapter. The next chapter will be a lot longer:)

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