Your the one i need (polotjay)

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In which tione writes a note to someone he has liked since forever (I swear this is my last polotjay chapter in this book) 

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

In which tione writes a note to someone he has liked since forever (I swear this is my last polotjay chapter in this book) 

Dear taurus, from the start i felt a connection between you and me but i wasn't sure how you were feeling. The feelings i get from you are something i haven't ever felt before and it's a feeling i can't live life without. Your one of those people who don't smile much but when you do it makes my heart do weird things. I tried to hide my feelings for you but it was no use i had tried to date to get you off my mind. 

There was lala she had actually asked me out and me trying to hide my feelings for you i said yes i mean she was cool but she wasn't you. We bring out the best in each other you reminded me to live life to the fullest and ignore what anyone had to say because what they have to say doesn't matter and i reminded you to experiment with your sound and always be open to new things. I'm writing this letter to let you know i have these feelings and you don't have to feel the same way i just had to get these feelings out. 

But i need to know how you feel. I need for you to know that my heart races and sometimes skips a beat when you hug me and i need you to know when you smile or when your hand touches mine time stops for a minute and it's as if nobody in the world exists but us. I need you to know that your the only one i want and the only one i need. 

I kind of rushed this so excuse any mistakes and i'm sorry if this was trash i could have done better 

Hope ya'll enjoyed 

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