Chapter 3: Torture

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Harry's POV

Dinner was exactly at 8 and I did my best to groom myself to make a good first impression on Bell and Beast. I skipped the eyeliner and wore my best leather outfit. I made a quick scanned memory on my many lessons. It shouldn't be that hard as I was highly educated in proper etiquette since I was a young lad by my father. My thoughts about royal dinning were interrupted when both Evie and Mal entered by room. Evie's judgy eyes looked me up and down with disappointment. " This won't do, Harry. When I'm done with you. You will be the handsomest Prince in the land!", she said as she advanced on me. I didn't like where this was going and I was right. They dragged me back into the bath and magically removed my clothes. I fell into the tub and water went flying everywhere. I will admit, I didn't expect this at all. To be rubbed from head to toe with soapy sponges but then Mal started to do a spell. " Beware, forswear, replaced the old with fresh hair", after her spell I was dragged underwater and when I shot up for air. My hair was shorter by probably an inch or two and for the love of the sea... Here we go again with the soapy sponges! I let out a groan as hands quickly rubbed my wet hair. " Enough! Ye touched me and cleaned me everywhere!", I yelled as I slashed water everywhere as I tried to get away. " Not everywhere", Mal said with an evil and playful grin. I saw the insanity in her eyes and knew exactly where she was going to rub next.

My anger disappears and was replaced with a worried look. Clearly I was outnumbered, 2 against 1. It wasn't exactly fair play, " Pirates!". I mumbled under my breath as I was helpless to escape their constant rubbing but that didn't mean I didn't put up a fair fight myself. By the time they bathed me completely, they were a wet mess. I smiled at this but seeing them blush as I removed myself from the bath was a reward on it's own. It was sadly, short lived as Evie wrapped red towel around my waist. As I was taken to my room, Mal cleaned the bathroom with just a snap of her fingers. They sat me down on my bed and attacked me with their hands by towel drying my hair. My hair stood up in odd ways but was smoothed out by Mal's brush. No one had bathed me since I was 5 and who would expect that I would be bathed my two females many years later. My hair was styled and I was dressed in a simple crimson red shirt with black pants but this outfit didn't make me look threatening at all. Quite the opposite from my usual attire. I looked at myself in the mirror and the boy who looked back at me was not a pirate but a prince.

Uma's POV

I can't believe that I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to Harry but most of all I can't believe that he was gone. When I saw that car on the otherside, I felt broken and alone. This was the worst form of torture that I have ever experienced. Sure, being bullied by Mal was a close second but nothing hurt me more than having my first mate ripped from me. Mal had finally accomplished the task of bringing tears to my eyes. She personally made sure that he was taken away without a second to spare. My blood boiled at the thought of him being close to her.

I went down to the same spot were Harry had taken my virginity. Were the sea met the land in a roar of rolling waves. My eyes looked beyond the barrier to the land where a fierce dragon guarded the castle. I held onto my mother's necklace just as my third in command came to my side. " Uma! The crew is waiting your orders", I kept my eyes looked to the far off kingdom. " Tell everyone that Gin is in charge while I'm gone", I said as I walked in the opposite direction of the ship. " Um... Uma, the ship is that way", he pointed to the right direction. I didn't turn back, but continued walking, " I'm not going to the ship, Gil. I'm going to see my father. It's about time you knew who he is". His feet followed close behind me as I lead the way through the darkness. The place echoed like crazy but I didn't care because I wasn't here to steal anything. I was here to ask for a favor from my daddy. Not all villain parents are as evil as they seem. Sure some might severely neglected their kids but many truly care. Take my father for example, I was created in a drunken night. A night of only pleasure but a few months later I was born. My mother constantly reminds me that I was a mistake and never should have been born but my father thinks otherwise. He says that everything happens for a reason and sure his presence could have been nice during the nights my mother would beat me but his eyes were always watching me from afar.

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