halleys comet

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"So in about a week or so we should be able to see it go across the sky! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, Alberto."
Alberto stifled a giggle.
"It's a star, Luca."
"A shooting star, it's a big deal. And you sir," Luca nudged Alberto with his arm, "are lucky I'm here for the summer to show you it."
Alberto smiled his same smile, laughing as Luca nudged him.
"You're right, I am lucky."
A moment of quiet rose between them, it was far from uncommon, and quite comfortable.
"So...when are you going back?"
Luca laid back, facing the sky, holding himself up with his forearms, his eyes focused on the stars (or fish rather) above them.
"In a week."
Alberto let out an exhale.
"Already? It seems like you just got here."
Luca's eyes looked over at Alberto, a certain glaze over them.
"I know, time flies when I'm here."
Alberto's gaze met Luca's, and he felt paralyzed. The look on Luca's face practically froze him, and he shuttered.
"Yeah, it does. I don't wanna say goodbye just yet."
Luca smiled, a painful, sorrow-filled smile. Every time they split it felt worse than before.
Alberto allowed himself to fully lay down on the wood below them, a pillow between the curls on his head and the hard surface. His hands made their way to the back of his head, his elbows facing outwards. He never understood why Luca had such an obsession with the stars, or the sky, but he tried his hardest. Besides, it made him think of their first night together on the tower, where Alberto falsely informed Luca of the "fish" in the sky. His chest rose and fell as he thought back to the simpler time, when he felt a weight appear on his bicep. Without moving his head, he looked down to see Luca resting his head on his arm.
This sort of gesture was nothing new, and Alberto smiled at him, and went back to looking at the stars.
That's when he felt a sensation run up his stomach, and to his chest. With a quick glance he was made aware of Luca's hand, which was making rounds on his chest, causing the familiar burning sensation in Alberto's throat.
Luca partially sat up, leaning over Alberto, and suddenly Alberto could no longer see the stars. Only the ember eyes that laid before him, and the pink undertones that lay under his friend's skin. The freckles that Alberto had numbered countless times.
This quiet was uncommon. But comfortable.
Alberto's eyelids shuddered and grew weary as he witnessed Luca grow closer. Luca maintained eye contact, and Alberto could feel warm breath on his lips, and yet no one said a word. They stayed like this for a moment, a shared understanding, if only a moment.
Alberto's breath shuttered as Luca closed the gap between them, mouth open.
It was surprisingly warm, and far more welcoming than other kisses they had shared. Alberto's eyes rolled back as he shut them, somehow melting even further into Luca's touch. Alberto's hands ran up to Luca's face, as he managed to sit himself upwards, so that both of them were on the same level. Luca's hands were desperate, grabbing handfuls of the front of Alberto's shirt, attempting to pull Alberto closer.
In a swift motion, Alberto lifted Luca up, placing him onto his lap. When finished, he rested one hand on Luca's back, the other placed delicately on the side of his neck. Luca took no hesitation trying to break any distance between them, chest to chest, legs wrapped around the waist, hands still tugging on his shirt. He turned his head, deepening the exchange. Alberto was no stranger to this behavior from Luca, and accepted it with open arms, and took full advantage of the access Luca had granted by parting his lips. The kiss was hungry, desperate, longing for something that neither of them ever dare to put into words.
The act wasn't out of the ordinary, if Luca was ever off, Alberto was always willing to try and correct it. In whatever way Luca wanted it. It was a sort of unspoken familiarity between them. And unknown to Luca, Alberto wanted it normally, every day, every hour, and for it to be known.
Luca never stated he had loved Alberto.
Regardless of how tight Luca grabbed hold of Alberto, or how many gasps of air they had to take in between kisses, or how badly Alberto wanted to hear it, the word "love" was never used to explain their strange relationship.
Alberto wished it would go back to how it was before Luca had grabbed him by his shirt collar and pleaded for a kiss. Pleaded with his eyes. He wasn't able to see Luca's face the same since then. Alberto knew what he was.
A secret, a fear and an experiment.
If he was able to help Luca discover who he was, he'd accept it.
This kiss was the same as others. Hungry hands, hands grabbing ahold of hair, hands running across skin, and feeling body-heat. Learning more and more about the person in front of them. After countless minutes of gasps for air, and pushing and pulling, and one, just one, mumble of Alberto's name, Luca allowed himself to pull back. He remained on Alberto's lap, and he watched as Alberto's chest rose and fell with his breaths. Alberto's eyes were half-shut, and they were locked on Luca. After a minute or so in quiet company, Luca made his way off of him, and laid down beside Alberto. But he faced away, his arms wrapped around himself.
Alberto sighed, and laid his upper-body back down, turning towards Luca.
Alberto knew.
He attempted to put his arm around Luca, and grow closer. To his discontent, he felt as Luca tried to drag himself farther away.
"You know, if you don't want to, I don't know why you keep doing it."
Alberto turned away, and Luca's bottom lip trembled at the words. He wanted to. In fact, he couldn't stop himself.
But to accept it?
That was a different story.

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