Chapter 1:~Dragon Queen~

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Elladan walked back and forth at the stairs that lead to the entrance of Light Kingdom's castle.
And Elrond looked at his son, "Are you sure she's gone?," And Elladan nodded, "We've looked everywhere. We can't find her," And Legolas sighed, "I hope she's alright. Saruman is still out there," And Thranduil sighed, "I fear something has happened to her," And suddenly, they heard dragon roars.
Emersion quickly looked up and Legolas took out his bow and arrows.
"NO! Don't shot!,"Emersion exclaimed at Legolas, "It's a friend," And Elladan looked at the wizard shocked and confused, "But it's a dragon!," And Emersion sighed, "Elora is The Dragons Queen. I don't know how, but the dragons are her friends," And The giant silvery dragon landed in front of them,
"Emersion, something has happened,"The Silvery dragon said and gently laid down Elora on the ground.
Emersion hurried over to Elora, "What's happened to her?," And The dragon sighed, "I come with bad news you won't take good," And the dragon leaned forward against Elora and gave her a gentle push with her head.
"My Queen?," And Elora opened her eyes and looked up at the dragon and smiled weakly,
"Starlight, you came,"
The dragon smiled, "Of course I came. I couldn't refuse your call for help even if I wanted to," Elora smiled and stood up when she almost stumbled to the ground, but Starlight caught her, "Let me share my strength with you. If you don't absorb my strength you will die of energy loss. We dragons will not let our Queen die in the hands of an evil wizards doing," And Elora smiled weakly and placed her hand on Starlight's neck to help herself stand straight.
"You remember the spell?,"Starlight teased,
"Our should I tell it to you?," And Elora looked angrily at the dragon, "I'm happy to appreciated,"
And she closed her eyes and focused and felt a force of strength come back to her through the bound with Starlight.
And Starlight smiled, "You continue to surprise me, young elf princess. Many light elves has not managed to break free from Hadrian's control. You're special," And Emersion looked up at the dragon in shock, "But that's impossible! My father is imprisoned in his damn mirror in The dark lake!," And Starlight sighed, "I'm afraid not anymore. Saruman enchanted Elora to free him. Your father and Saruman wants Elora. But I can't answer you why," And Emersion sighed, "If he wants Elora, I doubt it is for something good," And Starlight sighed, "Be careful, Emersion. You know how dangerous your father is. And your anger and hatred against him can both be a gift and a burden. Especially since you have seen what he can do. Remember what he did to your mother," And Emersion sighed and looked down and Elora looked confused at her adoptive uncle and turned back to Starlight, "How do you know all of this? You weren't born when he grew up," And Starlight smiled, "There are dragons out there who's much older than me, My Queen," And Elora sighed.
Starlight turned to Emersion, "Be careful, son of The Darkness line. Protect her," And Emersion nodded, "I will," And Starlight turned to Elora, "Only you can defeat him. But be careful. I will come when you need me," And the silvery dragon flew away.

"I don't understand why I should be so important to your father,"Elora sighed. And Emersion sighed, "Elora, you're The Last Light elf. And as I told you, you're not like those before you. You have something special inside of you," And Aragorn sighed, "But what did your father do to you?," And Emersion sighed, "Not to me. To someone else who I loved very much. Who loved me and Cirdan more than anything," And Elora looked up at the wizard and sighed, "I'm sorry," And Legolas looked up, "Wait? What did he do?," And Emersion sighed, "He killed our mother right in front of my eyes. He thought it would make me evil like my brother," And Elora sighed. And Emersion sighed, "It was a long time ago. But it made me realise what my father really was," And Elrond sighed, "We can't let Saruman and Hadrian get their hands on Elora," And Emersion sighed and nodded. And Elora glanced at the wizard.

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