Just your average day at the diner

482 25 3

Will P.O.V

I come into the diner at 7 am like any other day and open the store. Customers start coming in and then I see this girl. She's 5'5, has beautiful dark skin, and long braids. She comes in every day to get breakfast and to study. Like usual she orders pancakes with a side of eggs and a cup of coffee. Unlike usual though a girl that looks about her age comes into the diner and walks up to the girl.

"Hey ugly," the unknown girl says in a mean snarky tone.

"What are you doing here" the usual girl asks.

That upset the other girl because she then started yelling and berating her "I'm sorry last time I checked this is a free country and I go wherever I want to."

The girl flipped her hair and went to the register.
Damn high school girls can be so mean.
Meanwhile, Miss Pancake and eggs continued sitting and eating, her face filled with embarrassment. I can't help but feel bad for her but I don't think it's a good idea to get involved.

The mean girl taps the bell at the counter trying to get my attention. 

"Hello, is someone gonna take my order or what", she said in a high-pitched whiny voice.

I walk over to the register, "Yes ma'am what can I get for you", I say with a fake smile plastered on my face. 

"Ummm can I do a caramel macchiato with half soy, half oat milk with one pump of vanilla and low-fat whipped cream" she asks.

I stare at her for a moment before chuckling, "This isn't Starbucks, the coffee you see on the menu is all we offer" I reply.

She glances at the menu on the table before rolling her eyes, "Of course, this dump only offers black coffee". 

She turns around to leave and at the same time the girl she was bullying stands up from her chair and bumps into her and she falls to the floor. 

"Watch it," the mean girl says before walking past the girl on the floor and not so accidentally stepping on her hand in the process.  

The girl on the floor hisses in pain holding her hand. I walk over and wordlessly offer my hand out. She looks at me with wide eyes and stares for a few seconds before grabbing my hand. I know I said I wouldn't get involved but I can't help it, the poor girl got stepped on. 

She murmurs a quick thank you before grabbing all her things and running out of the diner. She's a little odd. 


*A few hours later*

A group of biker men walk into the diner and I immediately know serving them is gonna be a pain in the ass.

I walk up to them and in a polite voice ask,"what can I get for y'all today?"

They all gave their orders and I wrote them down and then back to the kitchen to the kitchen. A few minutes later I take their food to them.

As I was setting the food on their table one of the guys yelled "Hey where's my food"

I muster up the calmest voice I can

"Sorry sir but the cook isn't finished making your order yet, it will be ready soon."

I start walking away then the guy grabs my forearm and pulls me back.

In a low voice, he says " I wasn't done speaking to you yet boy ".

Up until this point, I was trying not to get mad but I couldn't control myself. I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back and pushed him against the wall.
Everyone in the diner was alarmed by the sudden movement.

In a threatening tone, I say in his hear "Sir I suggest you calm down before someone gets hurt".

After a few seconds, I let go of him and his friends at the table started laughing at him in a low voice he said "Whatever"  and walked out of the diner.

After that, the rest of the day was pretty mundane and uneventful.

*Diner closing time*

I close up the diner and lock up everything and as I'm walking out through the back I feel and gun press against back.

A familiar voice behind me says

"You think you can make a fool out of me and get away with it ?"

I breathe slowly trying not to panic and then I realize it was the same guy from the diner earlier today who grabbed me.
With that information, all fear I previously had is gone. And I smiled knowing that this guy was all talk.

In a taunting voice, I say

" What do you think you're gonna do with that gun?"

"Shut up," the guy says angrily.

I laugh a little which catches him off guard and in a swift motion I turn around and snatch the gun out of his hand then I pistol-whip the bastard with the gun until he is on the floor.

I then punched him a few more times. I stuck the gun into his mouth and said

"Listen asshole I don't know what you thought you were gonna accomplish but this whole thing was stupid. Don't ever try to attack me again and if I see you at the diner from this day forward..."

I got close to his face and whispered "I won't be as nice"

The guy looked terrified.  I got up and grabbed his wallet taking the money he had in it before leaving.


I just rewrite the chapter hope y'all like it. :)

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