Lily's Flashback

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Before I start this chapter I just want to say that it will be just like the last chapter but from Lily's P.O.V.

Lily's P.O.V

I'm so excited to start filming Coven today and to see all of the cast and crew. But the thing I'm most excited about is seeing Sarah. I can't get Sarah out of my mind lately. She just so pretty with her blond shoulder length hair and big brown eyes. There's just been something about her since the first time I saw her but I didn't know what it was until lately. I think I have a crush on her. Since the time I first saw her I had a feeling I had never had before in my whole life.


I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to my phone beeping. I saw I had gotten a text from Ryan Murphy saying to be at the set of murder house for 6:30am because we start filming at 7:00am. I didn't bother going back to sleep even though I have 1 hour till I have to be there. I'm not a morning person so it takes me a long time to wake up properly.

I sat up and stretched my arms out and while yawning. I pulled the soft cotton sheets of my legs and swung them round so they were hanging off the end of the bed. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I made my self a coffee and put some bread in the toaster. While I waited for the toast to pop up I sat at my table and checked my instagram, twitter and Facebook. I saw a lot of my fans tweeting about me and how excited they were for me to be in American Horror Story.

I stood up and buttered my toast and then spread some peanut butter on it. I went back to my table and drank my coffee and ate my toast. I started to think about what it would be like to film AHS. I hadn't sopped thinking about it since I got asked to be in it. I new my role wasn't that big but it didn't really bother me. All I new about my character was the name 'Nora Montgomery".

By the time I had finished my breakfast it was 6:00am. I had 30 minuets to get ready. I ran to the bathroom and started to curl my hair. My hair was already kind of curly so it didn't take me long. I put on a bit of foundation and mascara then went back into my bedroom. I picked out black ripped skinny jeans with a plain white t-shirt. I took out my black Dr.Martins and put them on.

I went to the door grabbed my black leather jacket. I quickly ran down the stairs of my apartment but when I got to my car I looked down for my bag but I relized I had forgotten it. I quickly ran back upstairs and back in too my apartment where my black shoulder bag was lying on my bed.

When I finally got in my car I looked at the time and it was 6:20am. I had 10 minutes to get to the set. I was going to be late for my first day on set as it took me at least 20 minutes to dive to the set.

~~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~~

I finally got to the set and I jumped out of my car, turned around and locked it. When I got on the set Ryan Murphy came up to me. "Your dressing room it over there and you will be shar..." "Thank you and I'm so sorry I'm late I will never be later again". I quickly said to him cutting him of soon as I saw where my dressing room was.

I ran to the door opening it, but quickly regretting not hearing what Ryan had to say, as he must have been telling me I would be sharing a dressing room. As I looked in the room I saw someone in just her underwear. She quickly covered her self with what looked like a dress.

"OMG I'm so sorry I should of knocked first." I say really embarrassed. 'Jesus Lily you've been on the set and for 5 minutes and you've already messed up' I thought to my self. We both looked each other and I immediately linked my eyes with hers. Her eyes were so big and brown. Her hair brown hair fell down by her face. We was both looking at each other but I just got this weird feeling I had never had before, but it was a nice feeling, probably the best feeling I've ever had.

I quickly said "Hi I'm Lily Rabe, in sorry for walking in on you". I said. "No it's fine oh and I'm Sarah Paulson I believe we are sharing a dressing room". Her voice was like an angels so sweet and heart warming.

So that was Lily's P.O.V on what happened when they first meet. I hope you like so far and the next chapter should be up soon when I have time to do it yeah I hoped you like it.

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