" What? Are you crazy? Why would I like a weak girl like Chaewon? Just.. that doesn't make any sense Jay " even though I said that I felt like something is wrong with me. I didn't mind that cause I didn't sleep last night since I had to study for the upcoming exam. So I thought that's the reason for having weird feelings for the whole day along. I should rest a bit then it will fade away

" I saw everything. And when did I mention her name? See! You're so obvious Hyung, just admit that you like her already " he smirked at me and left me there dumbfounded

After a while, I went to the cafeteria. I saw Heeun and her friends were with Jay and Jake at the same table. I went there and took a seat beside Jake

" Umm... Chaewon? " It was filled with dead silence and I wanted to break the awkwardness

" Hmm ? " still she was looking at her food while playing with it

" Excuse me.. I'll be back " Eunji stood from her seat and signaled Heeun to come with her

" Where are you going? " Jay asked making her expression into a ' can't you understand ? ' face

" Umm... Washroom? Wanna come ? " she asked him with a teasing tone and Jake choke his food while laughing

" No no just go. Jake come with me I want some chocolate milkshake "

" I wanna get something too. Let's go " with that they all left the place leaving me and Chaewon alone. She still doesn't know that her two besties aren't there with her. Seems like she is spacing out. So I decided to talk first

" Chaewon ? " she didn't answer and stayed there like a statue while looking outside from the big glass

" Hey Chae- " she immediately stood up and about to go away but I held her sleave causing her to stop walking

" What? " I guess, she is still mad with me

" Sit down "

" What do you want now? Quick, I have a lot of work to do " still didn't sit and said that while standing there

" Just sit down first and listen to me " I grabbed her hand and make her sit beside me

" I'm sorry," I said while looking into her sparkling eyes. What's wrong with me? God save me, please!

" What? I think I heard that wrong " she said with a confused expression

" No just- yes you heard it right. I said sorry " I think she was surprised because I never apologized to anyone before

" Sorry for what? For insulting me? For telling me I'm weak? Huh? Sorry for what Heeseung ? " too many questions. From where should I start to answer?

" Too many questions. I just wanted to apologize for being rude and if it made you sad, I'm extremely sorry Chae I really mean it " I said what I felt like to say

" Okay fine. I accepted your apology and It's Chaewon. Not Chae for you. I'll take my leave first " Attitude huh? But she is so cute when she is mad. I chuckled to myself at her cuteness and then I heard someone giggling from my behind

" What's so funny? " I looked at them with a confused expression because I couldn't understand why they were giggling like that

" It's really funny to see you're being so obvious even if you said that you don't like her Hyung " Jake said while holding his laugh making me pissed more and more

" Just shut up idiot. That's true, I don't like her. What's with your weird behavior now? " I was on the edge of my limit

" Okay fine! Just answer to this. If you don't like her, you could just leave it to herself. So why did you apologize Hyung ? " these two getting on my nerves

" Just- yeah! Just because she is my sister's best friend and if I didn't apologize to her, Heeun will kill me for sure. yeah, that's why. Satisfied? " I just spilled what I felt like to say. But the truth is, I don't even know the reason, why I felt like I did something rude and wrong to her? When I saw her sitting with Heeun and Eunji, I really wanted to apologize for what I said to her earlier

" Whatever you say Hyung. let's go. Class is about to start from five minutes sharp " with that we took our leave to go to the class. But a girl approached me with a gift box

" Heeseung Oppa. Would you like to go on a date with me tonight ? " she said while looking at the ground and handing me the box

" No " I answered shortly and was about to go away but she immediately grab my hand

" What? I said I don't wanna go " I looked at her pissed and she let go of my hand

" Why? " Urgh! This is so annoying

" Just because he likes someone else," Jake said while hitting Jay on his arm and I gave the gift box to Jay right in front of that girl

" Is it Chaewon ? " this girl is so shameless

" It's none of your business " and here! She left

" See Hyung, you didn't even decline the fact " Again Jay seriously? I hit him on the back of his head and headed to the class

" At least we got a box of chocolates Jake "


To be continued~

Sorry for the grammatical mistakes and typos.

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