You're only a child

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

You're only a child. You don't know how to handle your emotions. And this... this an intense emotion. Of sorrow, anger, mourning. It's understandable. Understandable that you go..


You don't know how you got it, but you have it in hand. The binary sword, your dad's favored melee weapon of choice. The killer of your dad stands right in front of you.

 The killer of your dad stands right in front of you

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

You dashed forward. For a moment the Auditor stared at you, and he is certain, that he saw Jeb in you. What can I say? Like Father, like child. The seed didn't fall from the tree.

The Auditor dodged your sloppy attacks. But for a child, it was impressive how you swung the heavy sword. Your movements, your attacks, it was all did in anger. He could just keep avoiding your strikes and just snatch the halo from you. Occasionally shrinking down to a shadow, his hand would almost get a hold of that keystone fragment. You are giving him a hard time. An even harder time now that you managed to stab him, right in the forearm, deep in the bone.

The black flame doesn't have time for you right now. He's already tired after he dealt with Hank, Sanford, and Tricky. What you are doing is an insult to the 3 said men, for they didn't do damage to the Auditor, and from all the people who could kill him, it's you. 

Sword above your head, you jumped down and aimed a smite straight to the skull.

He's gone.

Is he dead?

He better be.

Processing what to do next, you just stood. Sword in hand you immediately thought of your Dad.

It was so unfair. He's gone. He loved you as his own though you were not. You have so much in mind to do with him. You wanted to give that drawing you made earlier. You wanted to make him proud. You wanted to thank him for taking you in. You didn't get to see him one last time. You could've hugged him. You wanted to do a lot for him Ả̴̜͎̙̼͉n̵͙̩̺̠̐͆d̸̗̱͓̪͖̰̳̖̯̰́͌́͋ ̷͍̫̪̫͖̩̋͛̚͝ỷ̸̢̪̭͍̞̺͈̙̓͋̽̾͋̐̅̇̍ͅȇ̸̜͔͍̝͇̤̩͎̻̺t̸̖̘̄̈́͗̓̀ ̷̢͓̣͔̞̉̈́̕͜ȟ̸̤̙̤̙̤͉̼͍̂͒̕ě̶̺͓͇́͑́͊͋͛̀͊͘ ̶͔̖̻͖̎̀̾͘͝w̷̥͋̂̄ạ̶̢̨̨͔͔̤̈́s̶͇̐͌̿̄̂͒́̂ ̶̼͚͍̼͆̌͋̎̚ ̸̛̛̝͛͌̔̑́̈́͝A̷̪̬͔͛̈́͂̏̍̉̈́L̶̨͙̰͈̮͓̖̘̎͑r̵̢̮̼͖̪̭̿͌̐̿̑̈́͌͝͠͝e̵̡̤͖͇̰̥͖̓̑ą̷̫̬̼̑̾̀D̷̨͓̬̝͈̤͙̮̉̒̿̚͘ÿ̷̢̨̨̝̠͈͇̱͙́̿͋͑ ̴̧͎̪͔̱̪͖̔̑̉͊͠ͅG̸̡̛̹̯̮͔̈́̄̔̾̆̈́̇̓͆͜Ỏ̷̘̼͍̱̳̲̅͋̾͘͝Ñ̷͔̮̤̤̦͉̎͌̋͠͝Ȅ̶̥̥̗̣͓̤̦͖̜͍̆͗̋̇̈́̏̌̅̎

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