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The ride to wherever Gordon was taking us was awkward, but only because I made it that way. Gordon tried to get me to engage in any sort of conversation with me but I would give one or two word answers, clearly trying to communicate that I wanted him to shut the hell up.

He eventually did, thank god, but that was ended when we pulled into the parking lot of a big shop, "What's this? Where are we?" I asked.

"Well, this is where I've been staying." Gordon answers, unbuckling his seat belt and getting out of the car.

I scoff before getting out of the car too, "You're kidding me, right? You live at," I look up at the sign, "Han's and Jan's Winter Supply Shop?"

Gordon smiles at me over the car, "Yep."

Aunt Erin was totally lying when she said that this wasn't a punishment of some kind. I just needed to figure out what I had done so I would know what to apologize for.

"Well, I can't really help you unpack your bags, seeing as I have a cane, but I'll go get Jan to help you." Gordon starts to walk away from me.

"You aren't leaving me here alone!" I call out as I start to follow my injured brother. Gordon laughs as we walk, "What?"

"I think this is the most amount of words I've ever heard you say." He answers.

That immediately makes me want to become mute for life but I answer anyways, "Yeah, well maybe if you had shown up to any part of my life like, oh lets say mom's funeral, you wouldn't have that problem."

Gordon went quiet and the air around us got colder.

I knew what I said was awful, but hey, he deserved it.

After about 15 minutes of walking back and forth between the car, even with the help of the elderly man called Jan, all my bags had been brought inside. I was grateful that it was night time and no one had been around the shop at the time.

Luckily for me, there was a lounge area upstairs that was locked off from the rest of the shop so I would have my privacy.

I was trying to make a bed out of the couch when I heard a knock, I turned around to see Gordon leaning against the wall. I turned back around and continued to make my bed, "Thank you." I heard him say.

"For what?"

"I'm just happy to see you again, and I'm grateful that you came out here."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to face Gordon, "I didn't really have a choice."

Gordon's face fell slightly but he kept a smile on his face anyways, "I'm still appreciative. Hey, maybe tomorrow you can meet Charlie."

I sighed and sat down on the couch, "In the past 48 hours I learned that I would be moving to Minnesota to go help a brother that I haven't seen in 11 years who has also never once shown an interest in my life except for the one time he needed help. Then proceeded to leave my aunt, who was the only income of love I had in my life, to come live in a hockey shop. So no, tomorrow I will not be meeting whoever this Charlie is and I would really really like it if you just left me alone so I can go to sleep."

My words stung Gordon and it was clear in his face. He nodded before turning around and leaving me alone to take in my new life. Boy was I excited.

I had been in Minnesota for a little over a week.

Gordon had continued to try and get me to talk with him but I ignored him to the best of my abilities. I had befriended Jan, he often gave me his old books that he wasn't reading to give me something to do. He offered to teach me to sharpen skates but I refused.

I spent most of my time in a park reading, and thats where I was heading back from today.

I opened the door to walk in and hear Gordon say, "You want me to coach team U.S.A.?"

"Your friend Jan's been pitching you for months. Gordon, what you did with the Ducks, there was magic, and we- and by we, I mean Hendrix Hockey, the Junior Goodwill Games, and your country-- need that magic." I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

I still snorted as I turned the corner, magic and hockey didn't seem to match, and saw Gordon standing across from a fancy looking older man. Gordon looked over at me and then back to Mr. Fancypants.

"What'd you say coach?" Gordon started to nod his head. I leaned against the wall as Jan cleared his throat to get attention, both the man and Gordon turned to look at him. "Come on. Let's round up those Ducks. Got a lot of work to do."

Jan moved from behind the counter and grabbed something before offering it to my brother, "Gordon, use this."

"Thanks, Jan." Gordon took the wooden whatever and shook Jan's hand.

"Go get 'em Gordon." The fancy man said.

Gordon started to leave and then stopped in front of me, "Want to come with me? You'll meet the-"

"No." I answered before heading towards the back of the shop. Gordon left and so did the fancy man who introduced himself to me as Don Tibbles of Hendrix Hockey Apparel. I politely shook his hand but still put Jan's book on the counter and grabbed another one before heading back to the park.

When I got there, there was a trio of three boys tied to a tree. Seeing as this was new to me, I approached the boys, "Man, Minnesota is weird." I say.

"Please let us out." The blonde one said.

"Cut us free man." Another one said.

I rolled my eyes at them, "Oh, because my only plan was to come over here and talk. I'm not stupid. Any of you have a pocket knife or something?"

"There's one in my back pocket." The blonde one answered. I leaned down and searched the pants at his feet, looking for the pocket knife. Finding it, I cut the fishline and the boys were set free, pulling their pants up.

"Thank you." They all told me.

"Yeah, no problem." I handed the blonde one back his pocket knife.

"No, seriously." The shorter brunette one called out, "We really owe you."

I just smiled before walking away and sitting down to read the new book I had grabbed.

When it started to get dark, I made my way back to the hockey shop where I found Gordon waiting for me, "Where the hell have you been?"


Gordon grabbed my wrist as I walked past him but I tugged them out of his grip, "I get it Wren, you don't like me that much. But I would at least like to know where you are and you should at least respect my rules. You're under my care, I'm responsible for you."

I smiled coldly at him, "You never gave me any rules."

"Fine. Here's one. Tell either Jan or me where you're going. For all I know you could be kidnapped."

"Better than here." I answered before storming out.

"NO! Not better than here!" I heard Gordon yell after me.

I had 10 minutes of peace and quiet until Gordon came upstairs, "Tomorrow you can't leave."

"Wait, what?"

"It isn't a punishment. We have something to do tomorrow. There's some people that you're going to meet."

I groaned, "Sounds like a punishment."

"It's not. Now, go to bed."

"It's literally 7:30." I shot.

"I don't care." Then Gordon left. I didn't have anything to do so I got ready and just went to bed.

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