Chapter 1

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3rd person view

Somewhere in night time, a helicopter was flying two people in the back of the helicopter, while a man in the front was flying the helicopter to get them to the White House, "Delta, Charlie, 2-0-2-1-7, this is the Ace of Spades. You're cleared to land on Runway 0-1. Wind, 30 at five knots." The operator said to the person that was flying the helicopter.

One person in the back was looking at the window of the helicopter to looked at anything but he felt someone's head on his chest before he moved his arm to wrap it around her.

There was another voice that the guy in the helicopter started talking, "Copy. Runway 01. Wind, 30 at five knots." The guy said to himself. The guy turned around to see the two people in the back of the helicopter before he started to make a conversation with them, "Never gotten clearance to land that fast before. You two must be special." The guy said to the two people. The person that was looking at the helicopter window was Leon Kennedy and the person that was leading on Leon's chest was his girlfriend, (Y/n) (l/n). The pilot was still looking at them, but neither of them say anything to each other.

(Y/n)'s POV

Once the pilot landed the helicopter at the White House, me and Leon got out of the helicopter before we started walking inside of the White House but not before the lights in the White House turned off, "Already, so this is how we started our night together." I whisper to myself. Leon must've heard me because he started whispering to me, "(Y/n), I know what you mean, but there is nothing we can do now, so let's help out the people that need our help." Leon said to me. I just nod my head before I started to pulled out my gun and started to walk real slowly to make sure that I wasn't going to get myself killed.

  I just nod my head before I started to pulled out my gun and started to walk real slowly to make sure that I wasn't going to get myself killed

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(This is the dress that you are going to wear for a little while in this story.)

Leon was looking at me before giving me a kiss on my lips before we started to walk carefully in the hallways before we heard a voice that me and Leon recognize, "Mr. Spacer?" A voice asked in confused.  Me and Leon started walking real fast before we also heard a groaning noise that me and Leon recognize as well.  The growling was getting closer, "Stand down, or I'll shoot!" The voice yelled at someone name 'Spacer' before more noises were making.  A gunshot went off a couple of times before when me and Leon turned around to a corner to see Patrick on the floor while a zombie was about to attack Patrick.

Leon had pointed his gun at the zombie's head before he took the shot and he was able to killed the zombie before Patrick turned around before he notices us, "Leon? (Y/n)?" Patrick asked our names out.  Leon lower his gun down before he started talking to Patrick, "Shoot them in the head. That stops them." Leon said to Patrick.  I looked at Patrick before telling him, "Leon's right, zombies weakness are by shooting them in the head." I said to Patrick.  Leon was telling Patrick to follow us before we started walking till we see a man with blonde hair before telling us to follow him as well.

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