The date!

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They were now at the Australian restaurant, Lupin sat awkwardly as the Australian man was trying to get his finger stuck in a fork. Lupin decided to make conversation "so what is your name?"
"Australian Ben"
"Why do you like being stuck in things Australian Ben"
"Because it makes me feel small and I'm tall and it's not very nice"
"Interesting" he ordered his food, a small salad and an Australian burger. Australian Ben ordered a drink and a steak and oven chips which were very good. They talked for a bit and it was surprisingly nice.
"Hey wear are you staying mate"
"Ah, now I didn't make a plan for that..." Remus just realised he had no where to stay! Luckily Australian Ben had an idea.
"Well mate I have a house you can borrow it I don't use it much anyway"
"I see, thank you"
"Yeah no problem just don't use the basement it's just unfurnished"
Creepy but ok. They set off half an hour later, paying with the Australian money remus brought over because Australian Ben didn't have any. The house was nice, a little small but it had a backyard pool which Remus wanted to use.
"Anyway I'm gonna go find that cactus, see ya later mate" and he left. Remus used the pool and Australian Ben saw. He suddenly realised how hot Remus was and had a crush on him. He decided to leave the cactus for another day and spy on his new crush.
He then pretended he had come back even though he had never left, and cooked up some BBQ for remus. He was surprisingly a good cook and it was very good. It was almost like... a date when they sat and ate together. Alone in the evening. Remus could tell and got flustered and went to bed early, Australian Ben was disappointed but was determined to make him his.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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Hopping mad (in love), Lupin x Australian! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now