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The Difference Between Rapier Loom and Other Looms

As a new type of loom, the is characterized by its high-speed, high-automation, and high-efficiency production. Its active weft insertion method has excellent versatility and can adapt to the insertion of diversified yarns. Rapier looms are widely used in yarn-dyed, towel quilt, silk, wool, linen, and other industries. Rapier looms also have prominent advantages in multi-color weaving and can weave up to 16 colors of weft yarns. It is the most popular weaving machine for small and medium batch fabrics. The rapier loom has become the most widely used shuttleless looms.

The and other looms are listed below--

1. The weft insertion methods are different

Air-jet looms use compressed air; rapier looms adopt rapier tape and gripper, water jet looms apply water jets, and projectile looms use one-way motions that rely on the picking rod to hit the shuttle.

2. Speed

Air-jet and water jet are faster than rapier loom; for example, 190cm reed width air-jet loom speed can reach 1200r/min, rapier loom 600r/min.

3. Application

Rapier looms can weave cotton, wool, silk, linen, and man-made fibers; rapier loom can easily handle thick fabrics, the fabric weight reaching up to 1500gsm. Air-jet adapts to high counts and high-density fabrics, normally 30~550gms.

4. Requirement to yarn

Rapier looms have low requirements for yarns and low requirements for hairiness, neps, and sizing. However, air-jet looms require yarns to have a smooth surface, less hairiness, and high strength. As water jet looms use water, they usually are used for hydrophobic fabrics. Projectile looms require material in high manufacturing precision and are very good for making extra wide fabric.

5. Color selection

The rapier loom is competent to weave up to 16 colors weft yarn, projectile looms eight colors, water jet looms four colors, and air-jet looms eight colors.

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